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                     (Deuteronomy 4:32-39).                    during this time in the wilderness (see the ex-
                                                               traordinary account in Numbers 12:1-9; cf.
                     Often in his farewell speeches in Deu-    14:14). In one of these "conversations" Moses
                teronomy Moses recalls the extraordinary na-   pleads with YHVH to accompany them person-
                ture of this event, when God personally spoke  ally, rather than through the agency of an "an-
                His name and revealed His Ten Command- gel" or messenger. YHVH is persuaded and
                ments. "YHVH spoke with you face to face at    agrees (Exodus 33:12-17). Then Moses asks
                the mountain out of the midst of the fire....these  something more -- "Oh, let me behold Your
                words YHVH spoke to all your assembly at the   [Shekinah] Glory!" he pleads. He is told that no
                mountain out of the midst of the fire, the cloud,  human can see God face to face, but he will be
                and the thick darkness, with a loud voice; and  allowed to experience some measure of God's
                He added no more (Deuteronomy 5:4, 22; cf.     Shekinah Glory (or direct Presence) as it
                4:9-14). This was a unique, one-time revela- passes by him -- he will behold God's "back"
                tion, centered on the Ten Commandments and     (Exodus 33:18-23). Moses goes up the moun-
                the manifestation of God's awesome personal    tain and what follows is surely the most signifi-
                Presence. He warns them further in Deu-        cant self-revelation of God in the entire
                teronomy 11:28, not to turn to other gods Hebrew Bible. I will quote the full account:
                "whom you have not known" (cf. Jeremiah
                7:9). The verb here rendered "known" can be         And YHVH descended in the cloud and
                translated "experienced." This Sinai revelation       stood with him there, and proclaimed the
                was to be remembered as the one special time        name YHVH. YHVH passed before him,
                when Israel  experienced direct contact with      and proclaimed: "YHVH, YHVH, a God
                YHVH through His Shekinah Glory.                    merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
                                                                    abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,
                   The Awesome Self-Description of                  keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiv
                                    God                             ing iniquity and transgression and sin, but
                                                                    who will by no means clear the guilty (i.e.
                    There is a further dramatic and awesome         those who rebel)..." (Exodus 34:5-7).
                aspect of this revelation of God at Sinai. It took
                place the second time Moses ascended the            This is an absolutely incredible scene. Not
                Mountain after the golden calf incident (Exodus  only does Moses experience the Shekinah
                32). God literally  identifies Himself to Moses  Glory of the Eternal God to the extent that his
                and offers him an remarkable description of    face glows thereafter, but God personally pro-
                His Divine Character.                          claims His awesome Name, YHVH, and de-
                                                               scribes His basic nature, His very inner
                     God had told Moses that He would send His  character: merciful and gracious, slow to an-
                "Angel" to accompany them further, but would   ger, and abounding in steadfast love and
                not personally go in their midst because of their  faithfulness. This Self-Revelation is so basic,
                rebellion (Exodus 23:20-22; 33:2-3). Moses     so profound, that it occurs repeatedly in vari-
                had an extraordinary personal relationship with  ous forms throughout the Old Testament. It be-
                YHVH. He would go into the Tent and "YHVH      comes a divinely revealed character sketch for
                would speak to Moses face to face [through     YHVH Himself. Moses refers back to it most
                His Shekinah Glory], as a man speaks to his    specifically in Numbers 14:18 -- see as well,
                friend" (Exodus 33:11). The actual, visible,   Nehemiah 9:17; Psalms 86:15; 103:8; 145:8;
                Presence (Shekinah Glory -- literally "Face")  Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2.
                of YHVH, in an audible Voice, was manifested
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