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                Israel website because I believe they have      If this were so, and he is an eager prosecutor,
                some value to those seeking truth. On the other  then he would have long ago brought suit
                hand, I have been gradually removing some of against Mr Keyser. Of course, he has not and
                his other articles because they are clearly un-  can not. But, it's stunning that his followers (his
                scriptural and contain serious doctrinal error.  first, Christ's second -- an impractical arrange-
                Since his articles are not copyrighted, and I   ment) would not have at least rejected his
                clearly show his authorship of the articles, I stance about the web site due his obvious lack
                may continue to keep some of them on the site   of belief -- how you act betrays your true be-
                -- unless I find further doctrinal error in them.   liefs and he didn't believe that the site was sto-
                                                                len from Triumph Prophetic Ministries (in fact
                This diatribe is another example of Danken-     it was never their's no matter how they used it).
                bring's rabid, delusional ramblings and under-
                scores his habit of jumping to conclusions and  This borders on the silly since there is no
                accusing brethren of all sorts of offenses which any longer. Why doesn't
                they never committed. This sadly carries over   he simply aquire it himself this time through
                into the "research" he does for the articles he  simplenet and then all of the old search engine
                writes.                                         links will point to his pages -- even if he
                                                                merely uses it as a conduit to his current
                I must warn people, in all seriousness, to stay  domain.
                away from this so-called man of God and "ac-
                cuser of the brethren". Several people have     Whatever the case, his mind would be clear
                mentioned to me that there is a "bad spirit"    enough for rational thought if he would only
                about this man -- and I fully concur. The spirit  drop the accusational spirit and take his own
                of God long ago departed from his ministry -- if inspired advice:
                it were ever there in the first place. Over a pe-
                riod of some ten years I sat in his living room  "Rather than worry about others, or sitting in
                and listened to him ridiculing, deriding and    judgement of them, let each of us examine HIM-
                denigrating those who had the courage to disa-  SELF or HERSELF before the Word of God!
                gree with him -- and this even included ethnic  As Paul wrote, 'Examine yourselves as to
                jokes. Why I put up with it for so long, I clearly  whether you are in the faith. TEST your-
                don't know -- it doesn't speak well for myself, I  selves'..."
                must admit.
                                                                --- PROPHECY FLASH!, Vol 14, No 4, Sept-
                If Dankenbring thinks this nonsense of his will  Oct. 2000, p 65
                hold up in court, he is completely delusional
                and truly "smoking dope"!                       I cannot as easily as Mr Keyser doubt Bill's
                                                                ministry since even Balaam and Solomon were
                -- John Keyser for Hope of Israel Ministries    tools of our Lord until the end, I can, as with
                (Church of God)                                 Balaam, mourn his own lost soul. I hope he
                                                                comes into truth some day (for the first time!) --
                Diatribe of a man of this world...              on this point I don't hesitate like John. The good
                                                                news is that he will have the opportunity since
                It amazes me that he can even attempt a purile  he hasn't rejected his "chosen" status yet any
                tactic such as this one. After all, it requires that  more than Armstrong did -- They never had it!
                some people still 'buy his line' that the site was
                "stolen" from him to begin with.                        '70 evil Shepherds will come along before

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