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                "Master" or "Sir"). It has also led Christians     The pronunciation of the Divine Name is
                for centuries to confuse the notion of the Mes-  uncertain. Many scholars prefer YAHWEH.
                siah, who is called Lord or Master (adon), Despite what you read in most reference books,
                with the Divine Name, YHVH. The Messiah is there is good evidence for the pronunciation
                "YHVH's anointed one," the Davidic King, and   YEHOVAH, or perhaps, YEHOAH, which
                certainly the prime agent of YHVH, but never then becomes YAH in shortened form (com-
                to be confused with YHVH Himself (see          pare the name Joshua or Yehoshua in Hebrew,
                Psalms 2:2; 110:1; cf. Acts 4:24-27).          which means "YHVH's salvation," and is built
                                                               from the Divine Name, see Numbers 13:16).
                     The important point here is that God reveals  Precisely how to pronounce this Name is not so
                Himself by Name, and not by just any name, but  important as its  meaning, with the recognition
                by this awesome Sacred Name which belongs      that it  is a personal Name, revealed by God
                only to Him. There is a great difference be- Himself to Moses. YHVH is the One God who
                tween saying "I am the LORD" and "I am         Was, and Is, and always Will Be. This can be
                YHVH." The latter is personal and direct. It   said of no other Being in the Universe. In writ-
                immediately calls forth the absolutely unique  ing I prefer to use the letters themselves,
                and singular understanding of the One true God. YHVH, without vowels, avoiding controver-
                Notice above, in the quotations from Isaiah,   sies over pronunciation, but calling immediate
                how God uses this Name constantly, in the first  attention to the use of the actual Name, rather
                person, "I am YHVH, there is none besides than a title or description of God. In speaking I
                Me." The Scriptures speak of "calling upon the  either follow the orthodox Jewish practice of
                Name YHVH" which conveys a completely un-      using "HaShem," which always reminds one
                related meaning, when mistranslated "calling that the actual Name of God is intended, or I
                upon the name of  the LORD" (Joel 2:32). use the pronunciation "Yehovah," if the setting
                There are many so-called gods and "lords"      is appropriate.
                upon whom people call. We hear constant talk
                of "the Lord" this and "the Lord" that. One must       Many in the so-called "Sacred name" move-
                ask, just WHO is this "Lord?" What  is His ment insist on  pronouncing the Divine Name,
                Name? Notice Jeremiah 33:2-3 with this in      though they differ from group to group as to
                mind:                                          what is the correct pronunciation. Some would
                                                               claim that one can not even call upon the true
                     Thus says YHVH who made the earth,            God without saying the Name correctly. Often
                     YHVH who formed it to establish it, YHVH  one group will damn another to Hell, or accuse
                     is His Name, "Call to Me, and I will answer  them of worshipping "another God" over dif-
                     you, and I will tell you great and mighty         ferences of a letter or syllable in pronunciation.
                     things, which you do not know."           This borders on superstition and magic!

                      What an extraordinary declaration and         The Name is vitally important, but such dis-
                promise, spoken directly in the first person by  putes are misguided and divisive. It is an his-
                the Eternal God Himself! To literally "call    torical  fact   that   by   suppressing   the
                upon YHVH" leads one into an intimate rela-    pronunciation of the Divine Name while they
                tionship with the very Creator God. We will    were in Exile, the Jewish people have pre-
                explore below just what is involved in such a served it from profanation by the Gentiles, who
                turn to God.                                   call upon "the Lord" but have no idea of God's
                                                               Name. This was certainly in the Providence of
                                                               God, and perhaps even according to His

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