Page 24 - BV6
P. 24

                were made up of adulterers, thieves and run-    I was very pleased to find your web-site. My
                away slaves around B.C. 664. Also, according    wife and I have been incorporating more and
                to Durant, Locrians requested advice, due to    more of the Law into our lives and have come
                suffering disorders from the defects of their   to the conclusion that we need to be following
                qualities, from the oracle at Delphi, and were  the Mosaic Law (truly called, "God's Law").
                told to get themselves laws. Zaleuces gave to   Your site has helped us a lot because we have
                Locri laws he said he received from the gods    been wanting to follow God's holy days and not
                (apparently Athena dictated them to him in a    the holidays of our culture and the world.
                dream). This was the first written code of laws
                in the history of Greece.                       I do have a question, however -- you note two
                                                                different dates for Pentecost: February 6th and
                In your article you state that some of the colo-  June 11th. Can you explain this?
                nies founded by the Israelites included Troy,
                Greece and Italy. It is interesting that some of  Also, what is acceptable to do on the Sabbath?
                the founders of Locri were runaway slaves, is-  Is it acceptable to drive a car? To eat out? To
                n't this around the time of the Assyrian captiv-  visit friends?
                ity? Also, being thieves and adulterers sounds
                like the Israelites while Moses was on Sinai 40  We chose to use Friday at sunset until Saturday
                days, because of these defects they receive the  at sunset as our Sabbath because we have small
                code of laws from Athena much like God hand-    children and it is a LOT of WORK to get them
                ing Moses the ten commandments. I find these    to and from church on Sundays for two separate
                parallels interesting.                          services. Therefore, our day of rest is on
                My question is this: Is it possible for Locri to
                be a colony started by Israelites? Do you have  I will continue to read more from your site, but
                any more information on this topic?             if you could help us in this, I'd appreciate it.

                I know it doesn't matter if we are of Israelite  Also, do you keep the other 603 Laws? (Aside
                origin but it would be interesting to know. Any-  from God's Ten Commandments.) For instance,
                how, keep up the great work for the Great God,  the law about not trimming the beard, not cut-
                He is truly blessing your efforts in these last  ting the hair at the sides of the head, not tattoo-
                days.                                           ing the body, etc." I would appreciate your
                                                                perspective on this, too.
                                                                B. R.
                Comment: My research indicates that large ar-
                eas of Southern Italy (including Locri) were    Comment: We cannot choose God's Sabbath
                colonized by people of Israelite origin. Not    Day out of convenience. God tells us when the
                only that, but the the original Etruscans and the  Sabbath Day is -- the only choice we have is
                Latini (from which the Romans descended)        whether we keep it or not. The Bible clearly
                were of Israelite origin. Hopefully I will cover  shows that the Sabbath is the 7th day of the
                this more in future articles.                   week according to God's calendar -- not the
                                                                Gregorian calendar we keep today. Also, the
                Greetings,                                      Bible clearly shows that the Sabbath is linked
                                                                to the phases of the moon, which means the
                                                                Sabbath can fall on any day of the week in the

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