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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    37

               A short note of encouragement on the excellent and well To whom it may concern,
               researched articles of late. The article on “Why Did
               Yeshua Curse the Fig Tree” was explosive!! This brings to I came across this article, namely, “What’s All This
               mind Prov. 18:15; 16:16 “The heart of the prudent ac- Business About the SACRED NAMES of God?” by
               quires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowl- Mr. William F. Dankenbring. I could not resist to
               edge.” And “How much better to get wisdom than gold! reply. Albeit, I do not belong to any Sacred Names
               And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than sil- Movement.
                                                               He, Mr. Dankenbring, is certainly entitled to his opin-
               Love to all.                                    ion of things, but his conviction about the subject does
               In Christian Love                               not make it truth. I will address only one small para-
               D & M (South Africa)                            graph within his article. He states, I’ll quote:

               COMMENT: Thanks for the information enclosed “The fact is, there is no Biblical evidence that God
               with your letter -- I plan to include it in a future issue of must be called only by His Hebrew names and titles.
               The Berean Voice magazine. Also, thanks for the encour- There is no Biblical or linguistic evidence that prohib-
               agement, we all need it from time to time!      its the use of English names and titles for God.”

                                     ***                       As far as there being any evidence in Scripture that
                                                               states God must be called by His Hebrew titles or pro-
               Dear Hope of Israel,                            hibits the use of titles in English or any other language,
                                                               I have not found any verses as yet. Titles like God, Fa-
               I have learned of this organization through an acquain- ther, Almighty, etcetera, are not my concern in this re-
               tance. I am seeking help with Bible study and any help you ply.
               may be able to provide with literature.
                                                               It amazes me that with the abundant knowledge Mr.
               I currently am a Sunday keeper of Christian worship, but Dankenbring has about God’s name, YHVH, to not see
               have recently been told of the Sabbath and Holy Days. that there is biblical reference. Perhaps it is because of
               Could you please send information on Church of God, and his stress for evidence in the New Testament. If I am
               Holy Days, repentance, baptism, Let the Dead Bury Their not mistaken, the Old Covenant or Testament is not su-
               Own Dead, When Did Peter Meet His Death?, The Cross perseded or replaced by the New Testament. It is in the
               of Christ.                                      OT, that states the litmus test for any doctrine or belief
                                                               and not the New Testament. The use of the NT to prove
               Any help will be most appreciated.              the OT is not the way we ought to go about testing doc-
                                                               trines, is it?
               Thank you.
               B.F. (Michigan)                                 Isaiah 8:20, “To the law and to the testimony: if they
               P.S. I wish to get started on these studies as soon as possi- speak not according to this word, it is because there is
               ble.                                            no light in them.”

               Thank you again                                 But as to the part where Mr. Dankenbring states that
               May God bless                                   there is no biblical evidence that God must be called by
                                                               His Hebrew names or a prohibition to use English
                                     ***                       names or any other language for that matter, what fol-
                                                               lows is my answer if you desire to consider it:

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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