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36                                                                   Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               Letters from Our Readers...

               The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               The Director, Editor & Staff:                   ture of YEHOVAH God. YEHOVAH is NOT the same
                                                               personage as Yeshua the Messiah! While it is true that
               Shalom! May this missive reach you all keeping well, in YEHOVAH “is only one” and “there’s no one else be-
               the Master’s work.                              side Him,” Yeshua is the Son of YEHOVAH, born of
                                                               Mary and, through his perfect example, able to take his
               I’m glad to let you know, that the Berean Voice Magazine, place at the right hand of YEHOVAH God the Father.
               reached us, in good shape. We thank you for sending us Yeshua, as a human being who did not pre-exist as a
               this precious material, containing the Holy Name of the Creator God, became the “second Adam” and was able
               Most High. We are poor and cannot afford to pay any to succeed where Adam failed. Yeshua, now at
               charge, if any. We love this magazine, because it contains YEHOVAH’s right hand, is a lesser being than the Fa-
               the name of the Most High. Yes, brethren. We are con- ther, which he readily admitted throughout the New
               vinced that the true pronunciation of the 4 letters, YHVH, Testament. You will find it worthwhile to read the nu-
               is Yahuvah or Yehovah. I’m very proud to say, that we are merous articles we have published explaining the na-
               your partner, in this country. So, if possible, please add or ture of YEHOVAH God and Yeshua the Messiah.
               put my name on your mailing list, for future literatures,
               you may share. We thank you in advance, Elder Keyser.               ***

               The Apostolic Faith Ministry, is proclaiming that Thank you for your magazine and the blessing it has
               Yehovah in the Old Testament, is Yahoshua or Yehshua, been.
               in the New Testament. That Yehovah is only one. He is the
               Creator and Savior in both Old and New Testaments. Shalom v’Yahshua
               There’s no one else beside Him. He is the first and the last, E.
               in both Old and New Testaments. That Yehovah is one, (Washington)
               and His name one. There’s no other name given among
               men, under heaven. And we affirm that the true rest day, is         ***
               the 7th day.
                                                               Mr. John D. Keyser:
               This will have to be all for now. May His rich blessings be-
               stow upon you all is our prayer. Until we hear from you El- I pray that this letter finds you and your family in good
               der Keyser, if possible.                        health and happiness.

               Shalom!                                         I have sent you a copy of an enquiry that I sent to Tri-
               For the Congregation:                           umph Prophetic Ministries for your perusal.
               J.N.P., Elder
               (Philippines)                                   Should you wish to do so please use, and guide me if
                                                               necessary, this article as you deem fit.
               COMMENT: Thank you for your letter. Unfortu-
               nately, I see that you are totally confused regarding the na-

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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