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40                                                                   Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               errors of Christianity today is that Yeshua the Messiah is Thanks and many of Yah’s blessings.
               lifted up and placed ahead of YEHOVAH God in praise R.C. (Washington)
               and worship. This is a grievous error! Yeshua himself
               plainly stated throughout the New Testament that COMMENT: We hope to get the 2003 calendar
               YEHOVAH God the Father is greater than he. While out soon. Regarding the Feast of Tabernacles, our
               Yeshua shouldn’t be minimized, the Father must be re- brethren are so scattered throughout this country and
               turned to His proper place in the scheme of things. By sub- around the world that it is not feasible at this time to
               tly pretending that a being other than YEHOVAH was hold the Feast at a centralized location. Actually, the
               pre-existent, misguided “Christianity” has promoted only place the Bible authorizes for a central location is
               Yeshua above the Father who is the HEAD and who was Jerusalem -- see Zechariah 14:16, etc.
               “in the beginning.” In this way the authority of the Father
               has been hidden from this world -- and a false savior por-          ***
               trayed. There has been a conspiracy to REMOVE
               YEHOVAH as Head of His people because of the hatred Dear Mr. Keyser;
               false religious leaders have for YEHOVAH’s laws.
                                                               Many thanks for the surface mail we received about a
                                    ***                        month ago. In spite of the bad news and economic cri-
                                                               sis you are there comforting us and feeding the real
               I just happened upon your website by accident. The article food, while you preach the true Gospel of the King-
               pertaining to the weekly Sabbath and how it should be dom, and we know that all things work together for
               based upon the phases of the moon has got me to wonder- good to those who love God, to those who are the
               ing. I would enjoy reading more articles on that subject called according to His purpose.
               and would appreciate greatly being added to your mailing
               list.                                           Please continue as you allow us to share the Good
                                                               News as you are able. We are in a depressed area,
               Thanks,                                         please send us the following articles for my personal
               C.A. (Alabama)                                  satisfaction:

               COMMENT: Your name has been added to our mail- 1. The Omer Count and God’s Weekly Cycle
               ing list.                                       2. Just Who Or What Is the Antichrist?
                                                               3. God’s Prophetic Plan for the Ages
                                     ***                       4. Knowing the True and Living God
                                                               5. Sabbath and the Calendar
               Hope of Israel Ministries:
                                                               and the January & February issue of B. Voice 2,000.
               I have been re-reading the literature especially on the cal- Very interesting, this will help me as a stepping stone
               endar, and I certainly do agree with you on the times of the toward a better understanding.
               feast days. Now, are you getting a new calendar for 2003
               ready, and if so, remember to send one to me.   P.S. Thank you for the article (Tithe in Scripture). It
                                                               would strengthen us to strive for a better responsibility
               I looked also in the literature and did not find any particu- and development. Please provide us with information
               lar place that you would hold the Feast of Tabernacles. Or on what a typical Sabbath service is like for you. What
               do you just observe this at home, as that is what I have to I mean -- how in your opinion should we worship to-
               do.                                             gether as we wait for the return of YEHOVAH God
                                                               and His Messiah. Thank you very much for your lov-

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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