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Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    41

               ing kindness, for all the endeavor you have done over all Christianity was planted among the gentiles by Paul.
               these years. We pray for you also to our national leader and Though Paul never envisioned the idolatrous religion
               for the peace in Jerusalem, not as we will but God will be that Christianity would become, God allowed this so
               done.                                           that His word would be effectively distributed among
                                                               the nations and reach a gentilized Israel. The truth was
               Blessing & peace to you.                        to remain sealed until the end when God would begin
                                                               to reveal it to Israel.
               P.S. Cont. Anyway, every time I look to this scripture
               Deu. 15:10-11 and Isaiah 55:1-4 my shame turns to be S.b.M.
               bolder, it gives strength hoping not to be a burden to any-
               one while you preach the true Gospel of the Kingdom, for COMMENT: Rabbinical Judaism most certainly
               it is a joy in reality to be with God to His Son and to His DOES NOT follow the teachings of Yeshua! Rabbini-
               messenger. Thank you very much for your help. May the cal Judaism is descended from the Phariseeism that
               Lord bless you gracious with favor and peace.   Yeshua roundly condemned throughout the New Tes-
                                                               tament. Yeshua’s mission was not to “set Judaism back
               Sincerely,                                      on the path of Hillel and rescue it from the error of
               F.M.S. (Philippines)                            Shammai” but to set it back on the path Moses received
                                                               from YEHOVAH God at Mt. Sinai! For more informa-
                                     ***                       tion read the series Is Judaism the Religion of Moses?
                                                               that is currently running in this magazine.
               I found your article “Jesus Was NOT a ‘Christian’!” while
               doing a web search. It was, for the most part, an excellent         ***
                                                               The tribe of Dan was the first tribe to plunge into idola-
               Many Rabbis (including Rabbi Harvey Falk) have discov- try, as the book of Judges reveals (Judges 18). They be-
               ered the irony that Rabbinical Judaism follows the teach- came ensnared in this sin, and their descendants, today,
               ings of Jesus, whereas Christians do not. At the time of the the Irish, are among the most superstitious and idola-
               destruction of the temple, the Nazarene sect was the larg- trous people on the earth. They today practice the Ro-
               est sect in Judaism. It was their work that set the direction man Catholic religion, and are among the most devout
               for the Jewish faith. Eventually the Nazarenes and their and fervid Catholics on earth. This, however, is partly
               descendants (who became the Jewish faith) abandoned all due to the fact that a strong Canaanite element is mixed
               overt references to Jesus but preserved many covert teach- in with the people of Southern Ireland. The Canaanites
               ings about him in various sources and customs. Most of the and their descendants have always gravitated towards
               anti-Jesus rhetoric came later as a reaction to the blasphe- the various forms of sun worship. It will require the
               mous teachings of Christianity. The truth is stranger than Second Coming of Christ, the Messiah, to bring them
               fiction: Jesus’ mission was two-fold: 1) Set Judaism back back out of the idolatry they are steeped in, and that is
               on the path of Hillel (spirit of the law) and rescue it from why the tribe of Dan is left out of the 144,000 end-time
               the error of Shammai (letter of the law). 2) Create a vehicle servants of God mentioned in the book of Revelation.
               (Christianity) that would gather in the “lost sheep” of the
               House of Israel.                                I will disagree with you primarily because it is obvious
                                                               that the Book of Rev. has been tampered with. Joseph,
               It is obvious that the book of Hebrews was written in order Ephraim, and Manasseh are three. Ephraim and
               to explain how the faith of Messiah was to survive after the Manasseh are Joseph.
               destruction of the temple.

              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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