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P. 42

42                                                                   Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               The New Testament scriptures have been tampered with Dear friends,
               by the Rabbis. The authority over the rabbis to judge and
               condemn those who were not righteous would usurp them My friend’s copy, sent usually by surface mail, arrived
               and therefore, to not acknowledge this tribe who was or- some 10 days ago. However, the copy you usually send
               dained to have this power over them, they erased their me by airmail has, as yet, not arrived. Have I, perhaps,
               name. They have done it before and the rabbis always do missed filling in a form? I hope you will still have a
               this. Please read the info on how and why rabbis do this in July/August 2002 copy available to send to me?
               “Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah: The Origins of Rabbinic Au-
               thority.”                                       My last letter to you, taking 3 columns in the B.V., did
                                                               get a very nice response from you (pgs. 49/50,
               The purpose is totally political. Idolatry has been practiced March/April 2002) -- must admit to being somewhat
               by all of the tribes, including Judah. Rabbinical Judaism is chuffed but remain humble just the same. There are
               “an abomination of desolation” as mentioned by Daniel. just so many that are far more knowledgeable than I -- I
               Think about it. They have removed YhWh and replaced only began to know about these things, first, from the
               His authority with their own. Give this some very serious W.C.G. In 1960s and now study by myself for the last
               thought and if you are led by the Ruach HaKodesh, you 10 years.
               will see.
                                                               God, in His great mercy, has blessed me with a so
               Ephraim fell into extreme moral decay. They are ex- much greater understanding. The NO pre-existence ar-
               tremely responsible for much of the idolatry of the north- ticles I find so amazing. In my friend’s copy I see yet
               ern kingdom. They were idolaters in Egypt. The soul of another lengthy discussion in the letter section of the
               the child travels with the mother and this was passed down July/August magazine, mentioning several scriptures
               through Pharaoh’s daughters (Joseph’s wives).   and explaining them. To those scriptures could be
                                                               added John 6:38 (for I have come down from heaven)
               No name provided.                               and verse 62 (Then what if you were to see the Son of
                                                               man ascending, where he was before?) and probably
               COMMENT: While I totally agree that there is a large many more such. I still have so much to learn and un-
               Canaanite element among the southern Irish, I do not derstand, yet I live in great hope because of the prom-
               agree with your statement that the New Testament has ise in Rom. 8:28-30.
               been tampered with by the rabbis. While the New Testa-
               ment does contain some translation errors slipped in by the The first copy I ever received from you was the
               1611 translators and others, the rabbis were never in con- Nov./December 2001. Just how many copies were
               trol of the New Testament. YEHOVAH God gave the there before this? I would love to receive these as well
               Greeks the job of copying and transmitting the New Testa- if there are still copies of these left. I also noticed that I
               ment over the centuries until translations were made into have no copy of the May/June 2002 issue (no wonder I
               English and other languages. Also, Judaism is not the felt “thirsty” for the B.V.). Could I still get this sent?
               “abomination of desolation” as mentioned by Daniel. The And whilst I am at it, I would also like to have a copy
               “abomination of desolation” was the Roman army that de- of Behind the Veil: Unmasking Islam. By sending
               stroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. -- see the article Is the you...I hope it will cover the costs, no, I better make
               “Great Tribulation” Really in the Future?, Nov./Dec. that...just to make sure.
               2001 The Berean Voice. However, Judaism is certainly
               not the religion that Moses received from YEHOVAH I find the Sabbath such a blessing -- I spend it (and usu-
               God at Sinai. It is another perversion like Catholicism, Is- ally all Sunday afternoon) studying Biblical subjects.
               lam, Hinduism and the various other “isms” of the world.  The last issue had Anthony Buzzard’s article on
                                                               Elohim and John Keyser’s article The Antichrist

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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