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Amazing New Understanding --

           Leviticus Proves Saturday Is

                             Not the Sabbath!

                            Supplemental Study to Keeping Yahweh's Appointments
                                       by Jonathan David Brown

        [Author's Note: Between pages 59 and 63 of Keeping Yahweh's Appointments, what I believe to
        be the scriptural approach to counting seven sabbaths from the day after the first High Day of the
        Feast of Unleavened Bread is fully documented. Why I could not see what is revealed here for the
        first time in  The Berean Voice, when I originally wrote those details, is beyond my own under-
        standing. It is so simple. Perhaps it is Yah's [the Father's] way of waiting until all of the criticisms
        of the lunar origins of the Sabbath had reached their full, so He would have the last say.]

               The counting of fifty days, through seven sabbaths, from Passover to Pentecost (Leviticus
        23:15-16) has been traditionally called the "Omer Count." History exists of this count dating to the
        First Temple period. During that time, the commandment to wave a measurement of barley (Leviti-
        cus 23:11) was fully experienced by the whole congregation of Israel as an acknowledgment of the
        beginning of the year's agricultural blessings. This measurement, translated in the King James as
        "sheaf," is the Hebrew word "omer," or about 3.3 dry quarts.

               Nowadays, because we have no temple building, the harvesting of the Omer is neither pub-
        licly acknowledged nor offered. Nevertheless, there is still a commandment to count the Omer in
        order to keep Pentecost, which is also known as the Feast of Firstfruits (Exodus 23:14-15), and the
        Feast of Weeks (Exodus 34:20). The commandment states:

               "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye
               brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete. Even unto the
               morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days..." (Leviticus 23:15-16

               As stated in my book (Keeping Yahweh's Appointments, page 59), the particular "sab-
        bath" spoken of here is not perfectly clear from the translation of the text. The Torah (Hebrew) Bi-
        ble translates it thus:

               "You shall count from the eve of the second day of Pesach [Passover], when the Omer
               of grain is to be brought as an offering, seven complete weeks. The day after the seventh
               week of your counting will make fifty days." (Leviticus 23:15-16).

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