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In Revelation 17, the apostle John de-
                                                             scribes in great detail characteristics of a
                                                             great false church  which has been the
                                                             partner of the Antichrist down through the
                                                             ages -- was he describing the Roman
                                                             Catholic Church? Tradition says the
                                                             woman who rides the beast is connected
                                                             with the church of Rome. But isn't such a
                                                             view outdated? After all, today's Vatican is
                                                             eager to join hands with Protestants world-
                                                             wide. "The Catholic Church has changed,"
                                                             is what we hear. Or has it?

                                                                  To answer that question Dave Hunt
                                                             has spent years gathering indisputable his-
                                                             torical documentation (primarily from
                                                             Catholic resources) to provide information
                                                             not generally available. Eight remarkable
                                                             clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the
                                                             woman's identity beyond any reasonable

                                                                  While we disagree with Mr. Hunt's
                                                             interpretation of prophecy, this 544 page
                                                             book is a valuable reference on the doc-
                                                             trines and intrigues of this apostate church
                                                             -- and highlights the fact that Satan has
                                                             truly deceived this world into thinking the
                                                             Roman Catholic Church and the papal sys-
        tem is descended from the apostle Peter and the church he founded in Rome.

         Chapters include:                              Unholy Alliances

         Mystery, Babylon                               Dominion over Kings

         A City on Seven Hills                          Blood of the Martyrs

         Upon This Rock?                                The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Jews

         Unholy Mother                                  The Slaughter of the Serbs

         Seducer of Souls                               The Vatican Ratlines

                               Cost: $11.00 postage paid (check or money order)
                                      Also available in Spanish -- $12.00
                Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 6772, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, USA

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