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thousand years or more, England's and later Britain's,  Eastern Europe, and so its wanderings can be referred
                       national religious services have been held. Here, too,  to as "From Nineveh into York Minster." The Horn thus
                       for the same period of time the Kings of Britain's an-  gives us the last known address of the ten tribes in the
                       cient line have been crowned and anointed in a cere-  cities of the Medes. They were deported there by the
                       mony which (with the exception of the Holy     Assyrians before they vanished into obscurity and be-
                       Communion) is similar to that which was used in the  came the "Lo-Ammi" (Not-My-People Israel of
                       Coronation of the Kings of Judah's line in the Temple  Hosea).
                       in ancient Israel.
                                                                         Evidence of this type suggests a vital line of investi-
                                                                      gation into the westward trek of our Israelite forebears
                                                                      from their Palestinian homeland and their enforced re-
                                                                      moval therefrom, finally reaching the Isles of the West
                                                                      of Scriptural prophecy, via Media, and on to what was
                                                                      once known as Scythia, and thence to the westerly
                                                                      countries of Europe -- some moving by river and sea
                                                                      and some by the overland routes.

                                                                         The great Odin, in his day, was supreme leader of
                                                                      these ceaselessly wandering folk. We recall with
                                                                      fascination that our gracious Queen Elizabeth II has ac-
                                                                      knowledged her descent from this illustrious leader
                         Further, within the Royal Borough of Westminster  who -- though pagan and estranged from the God of his
                       in which these things occur, and only a short distance  fathers -- must have, at that early period, been aware of
                       from the Abbey, are the Parliament buildings and the  his descent from Judah of Israel.
                       offices of the ministers of the Crown, from which the
                       nation is governed. Thus, just as it was in Israel of old,  The Evidence of Heraldry
                       we have a capital city, enclosing a separate area, from
                       which our sovereigns are crowned and all our national  The Great Seal of the United States was adopted on
                       religious services are held.                   the 20th June, 1782, as a corporate seal for official
                                                                      documents and it was first printed on the one-dollar
                         This similarity is amazing, but it becomes even more  bill issued in 1935.
                       so when we see that the emblem of the Royal Borough
                       of Westminster is the same as that of the Temple area  The heraldry used in the design of the Great Seal is
                       in Jerusalem. It is the emblem of the tribe of Levi --  purely Israelitish in inspiration; the incidence of the
                       the Breastplate of the High Priest of ancient Israel.  number thirteen also points dramatically to Manasseh
                                                                      as the thirteenth tribe.
                           The Horn of Ulphus -- A Vital Clue
                                                                         On the obverse side is the flying eagle ( Deu-
                                                                      teronomy 32:8-14;  Exodus 19:4;  Revelation  12:14)
                         "ULPHUS" is an elephant's tusk, described as the  carrying in its dexter claw the olive branch of peace
                       drinking horn of Earl Ulf (Latin, Ulphus), Thane of  (Jeremiah 11:16), the other claw grasping a bundle of
                       Eastern Yorkshire, about fifty years before the arrival  thirteen arrows, the protective weapons of God (Deu-
                       of William the Conqueror. Earl Ulf was a relative of  teronomy  32:23 and II  Samuel  22:15). The motto
                       King Canute (1017-35) and his horn was placed on the  above the eagle E Pluribus unum  means "One from
                       high altar in York Minster as a token of the gift of his  many" (Hebrews  11:12) and is made up of the eagle
                       estates for the use of the Minster, in perpetuity. It has  (Genesis 15:1 and Psalm 5:12) are thirteen paleways
                       a broad band of carving at the top which depicts the  to represent the thirteen colonies or states which
                       Winged Bulls of Nineveh, together with the Lion and  formed the original confederation. These states are
                       the Unicorn -- the national emblem of Judah and Israel.  symbolized in a grouping of thirteen stars above the
                       The official brochure The Horn of Ulf, by Cyril G.E.  eagle's head (Genesis 22:17).  On the reverse side of
                       Bunt, sold in the Minster but now out of print, traces  the Great Seal is a representation of the Great Pyra-
                       the great caravan route through the Caucasus into  mid, indicating that our ancestors the Israelites, had
                                                                      spent time in Egypt.
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