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the visions of Ezekiel and John, God's Glory and  While the Ox, the emblem of Israel's third Brigade,
                       Throne had around and facing it the standards of the  is not as widely used today as the others, nevertheless
                       four Camps of Israel on which were the likenesses of  it still appears in the Arms of some sections of the
                       the four living creatures, a Lion, a Man, an Ox and an  Celto-Saxon people. In thinking of this we should not
                       Eagle.                                          overlook the fact that, during the great north-western
                                                                       migration of the Saxon tribes across Europe in the
                         Where then do we find a people or a group of re-  centuries just before and just after the beginning of the
                       lated peoples, the various sections of which have and  Christian Era, an Ox or Bull's Head was one of their
                       use one or more of these four emblems today? In  chief emblems. This was especially so of those in the
                       seeking an answer to this question, we need only a northern wing of this migration, whose descendants,
                       glance at the heraldic emblems of the Celto-Saxon  the Norsemen or Vikings, customarily wore a head-
                       peoples and nations to see that a Lion, a Man, an Ox  dress or heavy cap adorned with the two horns of an Ox
                       and an Eagle hold a very important, and often dominant,  or Bull. Another interesting bit of evidence is to be
                       place    among                                                                  seen in the use
                       their emblems.                                                                  of the words
                                                                                                       "John Bull" as a
                         Thus, the Lion                                                                nickname  for
                       is   everywhere                                                                 England   and
                       recognized  as                                                                  the English. In
                       the  symbol of                                                                  this we have
                       Britain. It may                                                                 what  is  evi-
                       be   shown  as                                                                  dently a racial
                       couchant,   pas-                                                                memory of an
                       sant,   rampant,                                                                ancient use of
                       rampant    and                                                                  the Ox or Bull
                       crowned, and also rampant and red in colour. In one  emblem by the ancestors of some of the English
                       or another of these forms it appears on the Royal Stan-  people.
                       dard, in the Royal Arms and in the national Arms of
                       England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It also appears  The outstanding example of the use of the Eagle, the
                       in the Arms of hundreds of other places and people in  emblem of Israel's fourth Brigade, as an emblem of the
                       Britain: counties, cities, towns, families and clans.  Celto-Saxon people today, is of course as the central
                                                                       and dominant figure in the national Arms of the United
                         Yet a Lion is not exclusively a British emblem. It  States. Perhaps here we should note that the Eagle of
                       also appears in the national Arms of Norway, Sweden,  the Israelitish Brigade of Dan and of the United States
                       Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Lux-  is a natural one.
                       embourg, and also in many of their provincial, city,
                       municipal and family Arms. This is especially true of  The Priesthood and civil Service:
                       the Netherlands where, in addition to being the chief
                       feature of the national Arms, it also appears either on  In the Bible record of the organization of the Israel
                       the shield or as a supporter in the Arms of ten of the  people into a nation, we read that the tribe of Levi was
                       eleven provinces and in more than 250 other     chosen for a special purpose. They were to be priests
                       municipalities.                                 and the civil servants to the nation. They were not given
                                                                       a province of their own, as the other tribes were: for
                         A  Man, the emblem of Israel's second Brigade, is  their duties required that they live and work among the
                       also an important emblem of the Celto-Saxon people.  people of all the tribes. Further, they were not required
                       It has a very important place in the national Arms of  to perform military service. Consequently, though re-
                       Denmark, Greece and Iceland. In Sweden it is the em-  taining their tribal identity for ordinary purposes, they
                       blem of the Province of Lapland, and in Denmark it is a  were not considered as one of the twelve tribes of
                       feature of the municipal Arms of Odense, Hobra, Al-  Israel.
                       estrup, Nyborg and Kobenhavn as already mentioned.
                                                                         Nevertheless, having duties  to perform, as well as
                                                                       considerable authority which they would have to exer-
                                                                       cise at times, they would, of necessity, require some
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