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P. 84

The House of Israel

              Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon                place to place. The three tribes forming the Brigade of
                          Heritage                      Judah went first, followed in order by the Brigades of
                                                        Reuben, Ephraim and Dan.
         The "Brigade" Emblems:                           While the Bible does not actually state what the em-
                                                        blems on the standards of the four Brigades or Camps
           Having considered Israel's tribal emblems  and hav-  were, nevertheless it does offer evidence which
         ing noted the fact that at least nineteen of them are in  clearly indicates that they were a Lion, a Man, an Ox
         use today as emblems of the Celto-Saxon peoples, let  and an Eagle. This is corroborated by the statements of
         us now turn again to that statement concerning them in  Jewish authorities, both ancient and modern, and by
         Numbers 2:2 -- "Every man of the children of Israel  certain Masonic traditions. When we consider these
         shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their  emblems we see that three of them, those on the stan-
         father's house." Here we see that, in addition to being  dards of Judah, Reuben and Ephraim, are simply larger
         required to have and to encamp under the tribal em-  and more ornate versions of their tribal emblems; but
         blems or ensigns, the Israel people were also com-  in the case of Dan this procedure was not followed. In-
         manded to set up standards. When the whole of this  stead, for some reason not yet apparent, an Eagle was
         second chapter of Numbers is read, a very interesting  chosen. It should also be noted that, originally and usu-
         picture emerges. This word-picture shows the organ-  ally, the Lion on the emblem of the Brigade of Judah
         izational arrangement of the Twelve Tribes as it was  did not have a Crown.
         during the forty-year period of wandering and encamp-
         ing in the Midian wilderness after their exodus from  That these were the emblems of the four Camps of
         Egypt.                                         Israel is indicated by two statements in the Bible. In
                                                        the first of these, as recorded in the first chapter of
           As we examine this arrangement of the tribes, we  Ezekiel, the prophet is given a vision of the "Glory of
         see that they were divided into  four Camps of  three  the Lord" and around the base of this "Glory" he sees
         tribes each. When encamped, they formed a hollow  the likenesses of four living creatures (v. 10): a Man, a
         square or circle with one Camp (three tribes) on each  Lion, an Ox and an Eagle. Likewise, as recorded in the
         side facing inward. When moving from place to place  fourth chapter of the Book of Revelation. John is
         the three tribes of each Camp marched together as a  given a vision of the Throne and Glory of God, and
         Brigade, the four Brigades forming a column. Then we  here again, around its base and facing it, are four living
         see that, while on the march or in camp, each tribe  creatures: a Lion, a Calf, a Man and an Eagle.
         must display its tribal emblem or ensign and, further,
         that one of the three tribes in each Brigade was ap-  In these two visions we have an almost exact picture
         pointed to be the leader; further that the emblem of  of the Camp of Israel. Even as in these visions, the
         this tribe then became the emblem or the standard of  Throne and Glory of God has around its base four
         that Brigade.                                  beasts or living creatures which have the appearance of
                                                        a Lion, a Man, an Ox and an Eagle; so also in the Camp
           The arrangement of the tribes in this encampment is  of Israel there was at its centre the Tabernacle in
         very interesting. On the east side was the Camp or Bri-  which, over the Ark of the Covenant, hovered the mys-
         gade of Judah, composed of the Tribes of Judah, Issa-  terious fire or light called the Shekinah or the Glory of
         char and Zebulun. On the south was the Camp or  the Lord. In view of the statements in Exodus 25:22, 2
         Brigade of  Reuben, composed of the Tribes of Samuel 6:2, 2 Kings 19:15 and Psalms 80:1, it is evi-
         Reuben, Simeon and Gad. On the west was the Camp or  dent that this "Glory" was a visible manifestation of
         Brigade of  Ephraim, composed of the Tribes of God's Presence at the centre of His own Kingdom-
         Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. And on the north  nation. Thus, at least during the time of Israel's wan-
         was the Camp or Brigade of Dan, composed of the  dering, the Ark of the Covenant was His (earthly)
         Tribes of Dan, Asher and Naphtali. A similar arrange-  Throne and so, in the Camp of Israel, even as it was in
         ment of the tribes was followed when marching from
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