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This 120 page book discloses:

                                                                              1.  Evidence from scripture that the
                                                                                seventh-day Sabbath has always
                                                                                been found in the quarters of the
                                                                                moon cycle...

                                                                              2.  Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls
                                                                                proving ancient Hebrews counted
                                                                                Sabbaths in the quarter-moons...

                                                                              3.  Evidence from scripture that the
                                                                                Apostle Paul's writings uphold
                                                                                YEHOVAH's Laws, including those
                                                                                on the Sabbaths, contrary to what
                                                                                most seminaries teach about them...

                                                                              4.  Evidence from history that our
                                                                                current seven-day cycle began at the
                                                                                very earliest 515 B.C. and spread to
                                                                                Western Europe just prior to
                                                                                Yeshua's birth...

                       5.     Evidence from history that the symbolic significance given to the number "7" was
                              derived from the moon changing its phases at intervals of approximately seven days...

                       6.     Evidence from the Prophets that we are headed for disaster if we don't cease
                              commerce-influenced behavior and return to YEHOVAH's Natural Law, including His

                       7.     Evidence from scripture that His Remnant People shall return to them, at the restitution
                              of all things, and it is their responsibility, in part, which will bring this about...

                                     Read it to find out why this evidence is so


                                    YEHOVAH made appointments with YOU.

                                             Don't stand Him up any longer...

                                              Cost: $7.00 postage paid (check or money order)
                               Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 6772, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, USA

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