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implies the pre-existence of Yeshua!           properly using his dictionary. Let me give you an
         Similarly, verse 24 only means that Yeshua "pre-
         existed" in the plan and mind of YEHOVAH and was  In proper biblical hermeneutical study, defining a
         therefore "loved" by the Father long before he actually  word's meaning and usage in scripture greatly depends
         existed.                                       on the CONTEXT and SETTING the word attempting
                                                        to be defined is used. Take the word "knew" as used in
         We have to be very careful and check what the Bible  the KJV 1611 Bible:
         says in the original Greek or Hebrew, otherwise we
         can easily be led astray.                      Genesis 4:25: And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she
                                                        conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man
         To Whom It may Concern,                        from the LORD.

         I read the article entitled "A New Look at Marriage and  Genesis 4:25: And Adam knew his wife again; and she
         divorce."                                      bare a son, and called his name Seth: for God said she,
                                                        hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom
         Being a Protestant myself, I have no ties to the Roman  Cain slew.
         Catholic Church. However, it seems Mr. Dankenbring
         thinks anything the Catholic Church teaches MUST BE  Genesis 3:7: And the eyes of them both were opened,
         WRONG just because the Catholic Church is indeed  and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig
         wrong in many of its practices.                leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

         Of course, this is not properly "judging righteous judg-  Now to make the word "knew" mean sexual intercourse
         ment." Mr. Dankenbring merely condemns Jesus'  in every instance it is used in the Bible would be ri-
         teaching on divorce and remarriage merely because the  diculous and would obviously be INCORRECT and
         Catholic Church is associated with it? Now THAT is a  make NO SENSE if someone did such nonsense!
         weak and pitiful, argument to say the least!
                                                        Yet this is EXACTLY what Mr. Dankenbring DOES re-
         Mr. Dankenbring in his hatred of the Catholic Church  garding his understanding and usage of the word forni-
         throws the baby out with the bath water so to speak be-  cation (porneia) in the New Testament and the Old
         cause of this hatred.                          Testament.

         The Catholic Church has this one RIGHT to an extent.  He doesn't understand that in Jeremiah God says he is
         The Catholic Church believes they can "annul" or make  married to Israel, but is NOT YET really married to Is-
         "VOID" a marriage vow, when God clearly says in his  rael AT ALL! God is only BETROTHED to Israel, and
         word that only DEATH ends the marriage covenant  the marriage supper of the Lamb has NOT YET
         (Rom. 7:2, 3; I Cor. 7:39).                    TAKEN PLACE! This is why both words, fornication
                                                        AND adultery are used when God describes his deal-
         Mr. Dankenbring also does not properly understand the  ings with Israel. Additionally, God's thoughts are
         Greek word Porneia and how it was used in the New  higher than our own, and God is not confined to our
         Testament also. He doesn't acknowledge that Matthew  understanding of past and present understanding of
         was a gospel written to the Jewish Nation, which is the  TIME!
         reason why the infamous and much lauded (though usu-
         ally incorrectly understood) exception clause is ONLY  Isaiah 46:10:  Declaring the end from the beginning,
         IN Matthew's gospel. It is only in Matthew's gospel be-  and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,
         cause ONLY THE JEWS   required a legal divorce to  saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my
         END a  "potential" marriage.                   pleasure:

         Fornication or "porneia" as used in the New Testament  God is only BETROTHED TO MARRY ISRAEL
         does not, and CANNOT always mean every type of  PRESENTLY! He is NOT married to Israel really YET!
         sexual sin under it's definition. Mr. Dankenbring is not  But God calls Israel his wife, and states the following
                                                        in Jeremiah 3:6 --
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