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All these examples from around the world are indicative of LOCAL or REGIONAL flood-
        ing as the result of the Genesis flood account. A correct understanding of the original Hebrew
        shows that 15 cubits of water fell from above and DOUSED the mountains and hills, not COVER-
        ING them with 15 cubits of water. Since there were no great topographical changes to the planet
        during Noah's flood, the sea fossils that have been found on the highest mountains were deposited
        there when the land was under water prior to the creation of Adam -- see Genesis 1:2-10.

               When we understand what occurred during the flood of Noah, we are not compelled to
        identify many (or all) of the fossil evidences found in some of the highest of the mountains as hav-
        ing been deposited by the Flood a little over 4,300 years ago. It is a fact that this planet may well
        have been created several billions of years ago with numerous flood conditions occurring on its
        surface over that period of time. But once YEHOVAH made this earth habitable for man (almost
        6,000 years ago) -- IT HAS NEVER BEEN SUBMERGED UNDER WATER!! This knowledge
        helps us unravel the Flood account in the book of Genesis.

                                          Credibility of the Bible

               If many Christians are so concerned about the rise in skepticism, disrepute and disbelief
        surrounding the Bible, they need not point to the atheists, anti-Christs, evolutionists or even Satan;
        for through their own fictitious doctrines they have been the greatest contributors to such skeptic
        trends in the world today. They have continually accepted that which is inconsistent, illogical and
        non-biblical while denying or rejecting the obvious, the provable AND THE BIBLE. In so doing
        their credibility has been brought down into the mud, and by claiming their authority from the Bi-
        ble, they have dragged the Bible and Christianity down along with them.

               As a result, fewer people today regard the Bible as a credible source of truth. But can we
        really blame any scientist or lay person for rejecting the Bible when those  who are recognized as
        the so-called "experts" in the Bible, relate myth and fantasy as being "the word of God?" These
        "prophets" and "ministers" have done more to discredit the validity of the Bible than the atheists
        and evolutionists they speak against. Unfortunately, all too many people have been taken in by
        these "experts" without analyzing what they are saying!

               We should be more like the brethren at Berea, who, after hearing Paul and Silas preach the
        word of YEHOVAH on certain matters, "searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these
        things were so" (Acts 17:11). In other words, when we hear something spoken about the Bible, we
        should learn to check and research it for accuracy. The Bible nowhere teaches blind obedience to
        men, even if they are respected leaders, ministers or have graduated from this or that college or
        Bible school.

               Many of these so-called "ministers of God" do not want people searching the scriptures to
        see if their literal interpretation is true. Like the Baal priests of old, they want everyone to think as
        they do and read and interpret the Bible the way they do.

               These same people are preaching about a universal flood -- and they will continue to sup-
        port their theory with arguments and denials no matter how absurd they might be. Unfortunately, all
        of this is actually counterproductive to their very aim of promoting and supporting the Bible.

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