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P. 44

NOTHING breaks that covenant but death! Romans  Moreover, after Moses had commanded them, "You
         7:2, 3 and I Corinthians 7:39 clearly say, the woman is  shall have neither a carved nor a molten [cast] statue
         BOUND to her husband until death, and ONLY at death  for your God," yet he makes one himself TO SHOW A
         is the marriage considered ended.              TYPE OF JESUS. Moses, therefore, made a carved
                                                        serpent, and set it up conspicuously, and called to-
         Fornication, which can ONLY OCCUR between UN-  gether the people by proclamation. So they came to-
         MARRIED persons having NO MARRIAGE COVE-       gether and begged Moses to offer a prayer for their
         NANT, is the only exception allowing divorce, and this  recovery. But Moses said to them, "Whenever one of
         was given in Matthew's gospel to the JEWS ONLY!  you," he said, "is bitten, let him come to THE SER-
         Mark is a gospel written to the Romans, and Luke is a  PENT THAT IS PLACED ON THE TREE, and let him
         gospel written to the Greeks and NO MENTION of the  hope and believe that, though dead, the serpent is able
         exception clause is given because they HAD NO  to vivify, and he shall immediately be saved." -- 12:67.
         SUCH REQUIREMENT to divorce a fiancé' for the
         cause of fornication during the betrothal. In fact, Mark  Exodus 21:39 says "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on
         being written to the Romans, had in their society al-  a pole [standard, upright support]; and it shall be that
         lowance for the woman to divorce the husband accord-  everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.
         ing to Roman law, and this is why ONLY IN MARK is  So Moses made a bronze serpent, and PUT IT ON A
         it written that a woman cannot divorce her husband and  POLE [STANDARD, UPRIGHT SUPPORT]; and so it
         remarry without being an adulteress, just as the man  was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at
         couldn't divorce his wife without becoming an  the bronze serpent, he lived."
                                                        The serpent was supposed to be made out of bronze,
         A.U.                                           but the Epistle of Barnabas 12:67 says "You shall have
                                                        neither a carved nor a molten [cast] statue for your
         Hi,                                            God," yet he makes one himself TO SHOW A TYPE
                                                        OF JESUS. Moses, therefore, made a carved serpent,
         I read your web page and I have a question on the part  and set it up conspicuously, and called together the
         about Moses making the snake:                  people by proclamation. So they came together and
                                                        begged Moses to offer a prayer for their recovery. But
         "What could be clearer? CHRIST WAS NAILED TO A  Moses said to them, "Whenever one of you," he said,
         LIVING TREE!!"                                 "is bitten, let him come to THE SERPENT THAT IS
                                                        PLACED ON THE TREE, and let him hope and believe
         The Book of Exodus mentions the occasion when  that, though dead, the serpent is able to vivify, and he
         Moses was told by the Lord to "Make a fiery serpent,  shall immediately be saved."
         and set it on a pole [standard, upright support]; and it
         shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at  It says "You shall have neither a carved nor a molten
         it, shall live. So Moses made a bronze serpent, and  [cast] statue for your God," no images, then Moses
         PUT IT ON A POLE [STANDARD, UPRIGHT SUP-       carves a serpent. He doesn't make it out of bronze
         PORT]; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone,  since bronze cannot be carved.
         when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived."
         (21:89).                                       Don't you think it contradicts with Exodus that said that
                                                        Moses made a serpent of bronze?
         What's so significant about this? "And as Moses lifted
         up [on the "upright support"] the serpent in the wilder-  We can see that Exodus is an inspired book and the
         ness, EVEN SO MUST THE SON OF MAN BE           Epistle of Barnabas, of a non-divine origin, contradicts
         LIFTED UP." (John 3:14). The WAY the serpent was  with the inspired book. This makes the Epistle a non-
         set on the upright support was to be INDICATIVE OF  inspired book, and you are trusting a man-written book
         HOW CHRIST WAS ATTACHED TO HIS "UPRIGHT        rather than an inspired one. I'm not saying Jesus didn't
         SUPPORT." And what exactly was Moses' serpent at-  die on a tree or stake, but I think those two sources
         tached to?                                     contradicted each other. I thought I should let you
                                                        know that, since this has to do with salvation.
         Let us go to the Epistle of Barnabas again:    G.H.

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