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As Jeremiah wrote, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who
                       can know it" (Jeremiah 17:9). The heart is indeed deceptive and leads us to judge and interpret
                       things by the way they appear or seem on the surface. It is true that on the surface the account of
                       Noah's Flood appears to be universal. Yet scripture teaches us to "Judge not according to the out-
                       ward appearance" of things (John 7:24; 2 Cor. 10:7). Many in the Churches of God have difficulty
                       applying this principle. If any one suggests anything but the apparent meaning or literal interpreta-
                       tion of scripture it is practically viewed as heresy. It is this type of blind piety that has generated
                       so many misconceptions and erroneous doctrines regarding the Bible.

                                         New Hope of Israel Articles

                                                 (All prices noted are suggested donations)

                       1)  Just Who or What Is the "Antichrist"?                                            3.00

                       2)  The Nature of Pre-Existence in the New Testament                                 3.00

                       3)  The Idol Shepherd of Zechariah                                                   3.00

                       4)  Rejoice in YEHOVAH's Sabbath Day!                                                3.00

                       5)  Hidden "Codes" in the Biblical Text?                                             3.00

                       6)  12 Proofs That Yeshua DID NOT Pre-Exist!                                         3.00

                       7)  A Future Antichrist and the Secret Rapture -- A Catholic Hoax?                   3.00

                       8)  Are You a Comfortable Christian?                                                 3.00

                       9)  Reasons Why the Jewish Calendar is Not Biblical!                                 2.00

                       10)  Just When Will Yeshua Return?                                                   3.00

                       11)  Did Yeshua Pre-Exist Before His Human Birth?                                    3.00

                       12)  The Story of the Pagan Christian Logos                                          3.00

                       13)  The New Testament Gentiles and the House of Israel                              3.00

                       14)  God's Sacred Calendar                                                           2.00

                       15)  The Plain Truth About Easter!                                                   3.00

                       16)  The Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton                                         2.00

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