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send us any articles on healing. Thank you for putting  world was."  and verse 24 -- "...for thou lovedst me
                       everything you have into printing these articles. They  before the foundation of the world."
                       have been a great inspiration to me.
                                                                       Could you please explain these two verses in view of
                       Thanking you.                                   the negative response from the above mentioned
                       Yours faithfully,
                       M.C.                                            Thank you for your response.
                       South Africa.
                       Comment:  I'm sorry you didn't receive the issues of  B.R.
                       the BV magazine you mentioned. Replacement copies
                       have been mailed to you. I have fully recovered from Comment: It is simply not true that the Bible states
                       my prostate surgery -- thank you for your prayers. Re-  Noah and his family were the only ones to come
                       garding offerings and donations -- information has  through the Flood. In fact, it doesn't even say the whole
                       been sent to you and also published in the last issue of  world was flooded! See the lead article in this issue of
                       The Berean Voice. Unfortunately we have no articles  The Berean Voice magazine. All evidence shows that
                       on healing to send you. This is a subject I must tackle  the racial diversity we see today was a part of the pre-
                       when I get the time -- it is a topic high on the list of  Flood world. It has long been promulgated by the
                       many people due to the physical problems we humans  Worldwide Church of God and others that Cush and
                       endure from time to time.                       Nimrod were Black -- when archaeological evidence
                                                                       shows that they were decidedly white or Caucasian.
                       Dear Sir:                                       The Worldwide Church of God used this fallacy as an
                                                                       excuse to look down on Black people and relegate
                       I recently read your March-April issue of Berean  them to the status of "servants." Many people survived
                       Voice and have a couple of questions for you.   the Flood and brought their racial diversity into the
                                                                       post-Flood world. Hopefully, we will be publishing an
                       1) In L. Buxton Gresty's article ("The Celts are Scrip-  article about the origins and history of Nimrod in the
                       ture's Shemites," page 53), he states that all of Noah's  near future.
                       sons were progenitors of various Caucasian peoples
                       that spread throughout Europe: Nordic, Mediterranean,  Regarding the article on the supposed pre-existence of
                       and Alpine, and that neither Ham nor Canaan were the  Yeshua -- when you look at the original Greek, John
                       father of the Negro peoples. What he neglects to state  17:5 doesn't really say what it appears to say! Nor does
                       is just how these people originated since only Noah  verse 24. It is an acknowledged fact that this scripture
                       and his family came through the flood, according to  was incorrectly translated to fit the preconceived re-
                       the Bible. While you may not agree with Mr. Gresty,  ligious bias of the translators. The Greek word trans-
                       you did allow him to print his article in your private  lated "I had" should have been translated "I am to have."
                       publication with no rebuttal, which strongly indicates  This glory that Yeshua is to have is to be BEFORE the
                       you do agree with him.                          world to come. The word translated "before" means
                                                                       "previously" -- that is, "previous" to the world to come.
                       My question is, how do you guys believe the other  Also, most versions of the New Testament leave out
                       races originated? You certainly don't follow the beliefs  the translation from the Greek word that means "to be"
                       of certain groups that Blacks and Asians came from  -- which should follow the Greek word for "world."
                       some subhuman animal and aren't really human, do  Correctly translated then, this verse should read --
                       you?                                            "And now, O Father, You glorify me beside Your own
                                                                       self, with the glory which I AM TO HAVE with You
                       2) In another article, "Did Yeshua Pre-Exist Before  BEFORE [or "PREVIOUS to"] the world TO COME [or
                       His Human Birth?" on page 58, you provide many ex-  "TO BE"]. Yeshua was only asking the Father to glorify
                       planations as to why you feel the answer is in the nega-  him beside the Father -- or at the right hand of YEHO-
                       tive. However, you neglect 2 key verses, John 17:5 --  VAH's throne -- with the glory that he HAD IN STORE
                       "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own  with the Father BEFORE the Kingdom of God and
                       self with the glory which I had with thee before the  BEFORE the new world IS TO COME. This nowhere

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