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         M        Dear Hope of Israel Ministry,              communications. And it is from there that I have
                                                             your address.
                  I found your article entitled, "WHO WAS THE
                  PHARAOH OF THE EXODUS?", very informa-     I'd like to THINK I am an Zebulonite but what
                  tive and wanted to say up front that I would agree  real proof do I have? My family goes back (as far
                  with most of the discussion. However, I am in  as we know) to 949 C.A. in Dordrecht, Holland
         A        disagreement with your bold assertion that the  which was the original beginning of the port of
                  waters of the Red Sea swallowed up the Egyp-
                                                             Rotterdam where my forefather was in the judi-
                  tians for good, never to be seen again. In the arti-  cial profession and which profession was fol-
                  cle you point out many verses of scripture that  lowed by quite a number since. Anyway, as I say,
                  deal with this great event and seemed to spend  what can I prove re being a Zebulonite? But I find
                  much time trying to show how, "Keith Stump and
                                                             reading the various books on British (and other)
         I        Herman Hoeh, they overlooked this plainspoken  Israelite backgrounds very interesting.
                  undeniable Scripture." I agree fully with you that
                  scripture should be our authority and therefore  The purpose of this note is to ask you if I may re-
                  wanted to point out that Exodus 14:30 (You  ceive your magazine which must of course have
                  quoted verses 27-28.) clearly records that the  more to do with a Godly point of view rather than
                                                             with the identity movement.
                  bodies of the dead Egyptians were seen on the
         L        shore. I won't attempt to debunk the rest of the  I do look forward to hearing from you.
                  points by speculating that Pharaoh's body could
                  well have been recovered and mummified if it did
                  indeed wash up on shore. However, if verse 30 is  Yours sincerely,
                  true, your whole point is easily refuted with the  W.R. S. de S.
                  very instrument (God's word) that you use to dis-
                  credit others. My intention is in no way to stir up  Comment:  Consider your name to be on our
                  trouble, but rather to simply point out this  mailing list. Artisan Books publishes a book that
                  counter argument using Exodus 14:30. I do hope  deals with the origins of the Dutch people. It is
                  you at least rework the article lest it become a  called "Strange Parallel: Zebulun -- The Nether-
         B        stumbling block for those unbelievers who hap-  lands A Tribe of Israel" by Helene W. Koppejan.
                  pen to read it and by chance check the Bible to
                                                             You can obtain a copy from Artisan Publishers,
                  see if what you say is the full story.
                                                             P.O. Box 1529, 1409 West Shawnee, Muskogee,
                                                             OK    74402,  U.S.A.  Their   website  is
                  In Christ,                       
         A        Comment: Thank you for pointing this out. The  Dear Mr. John Keyser:

                  author (William Dankenbring) obviously over-  Would you please be so kind as to put us on your
                  looked this point in writing the article. While  mailing list. We have written to you previously
                  what you say is true, there is no evidence that the  but up to now we have not received the Jan-Feb.
                  mummy of the Pharaoh in question has ever been  nor March-April 2001 magazines. Hope you have
         G        identified by the archaeologists. This article will  recovered from your operation, we pray for you.
                  be reworked (with additional information) at
                  some time in the future.                   We enjoy reading the Berean Voice and we are
                                                             going according to the lunar calendar. We would
                  Dear friends (e.a. ex-WCG-ers?),           like to send offerings and donations. Please
                                                             would you forward banking details, we would
                  When I am in Sydney I usually read a number of  prefer to do a direct credit transfer. Could you
                  older Servants' News magazines a.w.a. other
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