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               worshipping him as a god. This takes place at least five times during the ceremony, which is called
               the Adoration.

                       It is important to realize that the High Altar in St. Peter's Basilica is the very place where
               the Reserved Sacrament, Rome's Wafer God of flour and water which they inform us has been
               changed into the body and blood of Yeshua, is kept and adored. When the Pope is enthroned
               ABOVE the High Altar and its Wafer God, he ceases to be merely a false shepherd and becomes
               the IDOL SHEPHERD OF ZECHARIAH'S PROPHECY, accepting the highest place of honor, ven-
               eration and worship that can be given to a mortal man.

                       It is also interesting to note that while sitting as a god above the High Altar, his feet, hands
               and face are kissed. Kissing as a religious exercise is one of the oldest known forms of idolatry,
               and it can be found mentioned in Job 31:27 -- where Job declares that he has not been guilty of
               joining in the pagan practice of kissing his hand to the sun. We should also note that the kissing of
               idols and images was practiced by the worshippers of Baal in the days of Elijah. Listen to what
               YEHOVAH actually told the prophet --

                       "I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed to Baal, and
                       every mouth which hath not kissed him" (1 Kings 19).

                       It should therefore be obvious that the kissing of the Pope is nothing but a continuation of
               the ancient idolatrous worship associated with the heathen god Baal. At the coronation of Pope In-
               nocent X, the following words were addressed to him:

                       "Most Holy and blessed father, head of the church, ruler of the world, to whom the keys
                       of the Kingdom of Heaven are committed, whom the angels in Heaven adore, and the
                       gates of hell fear, and all the world adores, we especially venerate, worship and adore

                       There can be no doubt that the whole dynasty of popes fulfills the prophecy of the IDOL

                                            The Doom of the Idol Shepherd

                       Zechariah leaves us on a note of encouragement -- assuring us that the IDOL SHEPHERD
               is destined to doom and destruction. The prophet writes that --

                       "The sword shall be upon his arm and upon his right eye, his arm shall be clean dried up,
                       and his eye shall be utterly darkened."

                       There was a time when the popes of Rome ruled over Western Europe, holding undisputed
               sway and excommunicating and overthrowing kings and emperors at will. Such was the power of
               the Papacy that one particular pope boasted: "I can do almost all that God can do."

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