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                       The arm and the eye of the IDOL SHEPHERD symbolize the spiritual and political power
               of the Papacy, and both of these have indeed been darkened, consumed and dried up since the time
               of the Reformation.

                       YEHOVAH's Word, the Bible, has been freely distributed leading multitudes of Roman
               Catholics out of the cage of the IDOL SHEPHERD and into the fold of YEHOVAH's true church.
               Internally, the modern Papacy faces revolt and dissent at every turn within the ranks of both clergy
               and laity. The nations that once wielded the sword on behalf of the Vatican -- Spain, Portugal,
               France and Italy -- are now democratic countries within the framework of modern Europe. In Feb-
               ruary 1984, many of the special privileges granted to the Vatican by Mussolini under the Lateran
               Treaty of 1929 were stripped away. We are living in the prophetic era which will see the "strip-
               ping and burning" of the harlot church system spoken of in Revelation 17 and 18. Soon Yeshua will
               return to gather up the lost sheep of the House of Israel and his Father YEHOVAH will return
               shortly thereafter in His Shekinah Glory to finally destroy what remains of the Papal IDOL SHEP-
               HERD by the "brightness of His coming." Until that day we must continue our witness to all people
               that salvation is to be found in YEHOVAH God alone through His High Priest Yeshua the Mes-
               siah. Salvation  cannot be found in any pope, priest or pastor, not in any image, idol, saint or mi-
               raculous medal. "For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which [or
               through which] we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

                                Telltale Signs of A Cult

                1.     It encourages isolation -- both intellectual and social.

                2.     It promotes leaders who claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or position of authority from

                3.     It teaches that the group is the only true church, or maintains a critical stance regarding established Chris-
                        tianity while consistently praising and exalting its own leaders and ministry.

                4.     Use of intimidation by warning that members who leave the group will go to hell or suffer some other

                5.     It requires that members give substantial portions of their income to the group or leaders.

                6.     Emphasis is on loyalty to the church, resulting in almost total absorption on one's life into its activities.

                7.     It exercises control by the leadership of the private lives of group members.

                8.     It discourages dissent or any questioning of the leaders teachings or directives. Criticism, even if construc-
                         tive, is redefined as rebellion. Emphasis on authority, obedience and submission is vigilantly maintained.

                9.     Demonstrations of loyalty to the leader and to the group are expected.

                10.    Attempts to leave the group or reveal embarrassing facts about the group or its leaders are met with threats.
                        Refugees of the group are faced with confrontations by cult adherents who encourage or coerce them back
                        into the group's control.                      -- Taken from William F. Dankenbring's Prophecy Flash magazine.

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