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                       ground, the Viceroy passed and inquired, "What carrion is this?" "It is a heretic who will
                       not die," was the answer. With a kick at the dying man's head, the Viceroy said, "Let the
                       pigs come and eat him." Soon the barbarous order was executed, and the poor creature
                       had to suffer the pain of his flesh being torn from his body by the unclean beasts, set on
                       him by a beast more unclean and foul than they.

                       Since the days of the 1641 massacre the land of Ireland has witnessed many wars of geno-
               cide designed to drive the Protestant population into the sea. One such time of murder and mayhem
               occurred during the 1790s when the Irish Protestants suffered cruelly at the hands of the Roman
               Catholic persecutors called the "Defenders." The historian Sibbett records that --

                       civilians were mistreated, cattle maimed and crops destroyed...the most shocking bar-
                       barities were perpetrated in the County of Louth and neighbouring counties. In one year
                       the Defenders plundered the homes of 180 Protestant families.

                       These attacks culminated in what is called the Forkhill Massacre, a fiendish attack by
               Catholics on the home of Alexander Barclay -- the Protestant schoolmaster in the village of Fork-
               hill in South Armagh. On the night of February 1, 1791, a gang of armed Roman Catholics burst
               into his home, cut out his tongue and chopped off the fingers and thumb of his right hand. They did
               the same to his wife, and also hacked off her breasts -- an injury from which she died. Her brother
               also had his tongue cut out and the calves of his legs hacked away. Not improving with time, it was
               in this very area that Catholics slew several Protestant families in one night in 1922 in the infa-
               mous "Slaughter of Altnaveigh" and it is in this same district of South Armagh that the Roman
               Catholic terrorists of the I.R.A., I.N.L.A. and the "Catholic Reaction Force" have waged a war of
               genocide over the past many years, killing the heads of Protestant households, and participating in
               such bloody atrocities as the massacres of Whitecross, Tullyvallen and Mountain Lodge Pentecos-
               tal Church, where Protestants were slain as they worshipped. Without a doubt -- Rome never

                                                 His System of Idolatry

                       Not only is Catholicism a system of cruelty and greed, but the chief characteristic of the
               whole Papal organization is BASE IDOLATRY, hence the inspired Zechariah calls the Papacy the
               IDOL SHEPHERD. The worship of images, idols and religious relics is a heathen practice clearly
               forbidden in the Word of YEHOVAH. For some three centuries after Yeshua, the early Christians
               chose martyrdom rather than participate in idolatry. But when Christianity became the state relig-
               ion under Constantine, all this began to change. The heathen temples became "Christian" churches,
               the pagan idols were given the names of Saints and were soon being venerated. The pagan worship
               of the mother goddess, which had originated in the city of Babylon and spread to pagan Rome as
               the cult of Cybele, now evolved into the worship of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven.  It was
               in the city of Ephesus -- infamous for its worship of the goddess Diana -- that a Church Council, in
               431 A.D., declared Mary to be the "Mother of God." As the idolatrous practices spread and in-
               creased throughout so-called Christendom, they received official legality in 788 A.D. at the Sec-
               ond Council of Nicea.

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