Page 46 - BV9
P. 46

                       "Saint Theresa who...became a mirror of angelic purity...cast a glance of pity on us as
                       we leave all things in thy hands. Make our troubles your own, speak a word for us to our
                       Lady Immaculate...beg her as her powerful intercession, to obtain for us the
                       graces we yearn for."

                       The devotion goes on:

                       "Little Theresa of the Child Jesus, remember your promise to make good things on
                       earth. Drop your shower of roses over all in need."

                       To add to this blasphemy, we are told --

                       "The person who finds this prayer should copy it 20 times, and bring it to a church each
                       time. On the 11th time, your prayers will be answered."

                       Catholic idolatry reaches new heights in the worship of the Virgin Mary. The present Pope
               John Paul II has made a point of visiting idolatrous Marian shrines around the world to show his
               devotion to this pagan tradition. In May 1982 he visited the Fatima Shrine in Portugal to show his
               gratitude to Our Lady of Fatima for supposedly saving his life from assassins the previous year.
               And, on March 25, 1984, he held a special ceremony in Rome to consecrate the entire world to
               Mary. Special groups are set up within Roman Catholicism to encourage Marian devotion. These
               include The Legion of Mary, The Archconfraternity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, The Central
               Association of the Miraculous Medal, and the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. Roman Catholics
               are encouraged to participate in the Rosary devotions in which ten times as many prayers are given
               to Mary as to YEHOVAH. The book The Glories of Mary, by the Roman Catholic "Saint" Al-
               phonsus Liguari, goes as far as to state:

                       "We often obtain more promptly what we ask by calling on Mary, than on Jesus."

                       What blasphemy! We could go on and on to give many more examples of blasphemous and
               idolatrous worship of the Virgin, the Saints and their images and relics -- but this article would get
               out of hand if we did!

                                             The Pope Himself As an Idol!

                       Probably the very depths of idolatry are reached in the iniquity of Romanism with the wor-
               ship of a sinful man, the Pope. When the Pope is crowned the following words are addressed to
               him --

                       "Receive this Tiara, adorned with three crowns, and know that Thou art Father of Kings
                       and Princes, Ruler of the World and Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth."

                       At the enthronement of this so-called Vicar of Yeshua, the Pope is lifted up by the Cardi-
               nals and made to sit upon the High Altar in St. Peter's Basilica. The Cardinals in their Scarlet and
               Purple Vestments, kneel before the newly elected Pontiff and kiss his feet, hands and face --

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