Page 42 - BV9
P. 42

                       The Creed of Pope Pius IV states --

                       "I constantly hold that there is a Purgatory, and that the souls detained are helped by the
                       suffrages of the faithful."

                       Bellarmine taught that --

                       "There is absolutely no doubt that the pains of purgatory...endure for entire centuries."

                       Thomas Aquinas claimed that --

                       "It is the same fire that torments the reprobate in Hell and the just in Purgatory."

                       This very Satanic doctrine has often been referred to as "pick-pocket purgatory" and the
               "gold mine of the Papacy" because, in order to release their unfortunate loved ones whom they be-
               lieve to be in this place of torment, deceived Roman Catholics will pay the priest to say special
               masses to release the souls from Purgatory. Money -- often large amounts -- is set aside by faithful
               Catholics when alive, in order to obtain their quick release from the prison house of souls. Fre-
               quently during their lifetime, devout Catholics will go on pilgrimages to IDOL-SHRINES and sup-
               posed holy places, hoping to earn merit which will reduce the time spent in purgatory. And, of
               course, all of these things can be obtained at a price! Salvation is for sale in the Roman Church
               and, by this cruel deceit, the Papacy -- the IDOL SHEPHERD of Zechariah -- has amassed a for-
               tune running into the billions.

                       Closely linked with the doctrine of Purgatory is the belief in INDULGENCES -- pardons
               for sin that can be earned or purchased in this life. It was this horribly corrupt practice, advocated
               throughout Germany by the monk Tetzel in order to raise money for the building of St. Peter's Ba-
               silica in the Vatican, that impelled Martin Luther to nail his famous Ninety-Five Theses to the
               church door in Wittenburg and thus launch the Reformation in Europe. In case anyone thinks this
               rotten practice of indulgences ended with the Middle Ages, let us read what the authoritative
               Twentieth Century Roman Catholic book The Question Box has to say --

                       "An a remission of the whole, or part of the temporal punishment due to
                       forgiven sin, granted by the Pope and the Bishops out of the Church's spiritual treasure,
                       which is made up of the infinite redemptive merits of Jesus Christ, AND, the superabun-
                       dant merits of the saints."

                       Indulgences can be bought for saying the Rosary, wearing the Agnus Dei, or the Scapular of
               the Blessed Simon Stock, or you can share in the storehouse of merit by joining the Confraternity of
               the Miraculous Medal, or the Society of the Perpetual Novena. In times past Indulgences were
               even given to those who murdered Protestants and Church of God brethren in the name of the
               Catholic Church --

                       "a plenary Indulgence was offered to all who took up arms against the Hussites, Albi-
                       genses and Waldenses" (Catholic Dictionary, p. 442).

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