Page 72 - BV6
P. 72

                       This, my friends, is WHY Satan -- the ULTIMATE ANTI-CHRIST -- HATES the work of
               the holy spirit. Satan will NEVER confess that the ONLY way to eternal life is through the AC-
               TUAL presence of Jesus Christ living IN the Christian.

                       Let's face it -- Satan HATES Christ!

                       He simply cannot bear the thought of Christ being in him -- changing him -- giving him the
               very nature of YEHOVAH! He loathes the nature of God! This is the one doctrine he will NEVER
               accept -- he has even CORRUPTED it by promulgating  HIS doctrines of the duality of Christ and
               of the TRINITY!

                       Because of the statements of the apostle John his lying minions are sometimes forced to pay
               lip service to the truth. But, you know, it is only lip service.

                       These men, these ministers, will NEVER surrender to the spirit of YEHOVAH. They will
               NEVER admit others DO NOT have to accept THEIR interpretation of scripture to be saved. They
               CANNOT -- WILL NOT -- relinquish their hold on the minds of men! They will NEVER give up
               their beloved "GOVERNMENT OF GOD," until the day Christ and YEHOVAH God return and
               take it from them by force, and give it to the Saints.

                       This is WHY (and let's understand it clearly) the first doctrine in the minds of those Satan
               has deceived is ALWAYS some form of the "Primacy of Peter." And this doctrine, after all the de-
               ception and gloss are stripped away, is nothing less than the PRIMACY OF SATAN the Devil!

                       This is the spirit of Anti-Christ, and his first doctrine will ALWAYS be that he must be in
               charge. He will never yield to the holy spirit of YEHOVAH! Mark this well!

                                        The Counterfeit "Government of God"

                       Satan the Devil will ALWAYS profane the holy spirit. He will always use a FALSE
               Christian (those who have a "form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof" -- those who love
               and follow his lies) to judge, and condemn, and persecute the TRUE Christian.

                       This "form," or "image" of Godliness is none other than this amazingly clever counterfeit of
               the TRUE government of YEHOVAH! This "image" of YEHOVAH's government REJECTS the
               very power that makes YEHOVAH's true government work -- His holy spirit!

                       Herbert W. Armstrong taught for many, many years that government in the Church is the
               "image of the beast" -- and he was right!

                       Down through the ages Satan's greatest weapon against God's people has been the cunning
               and subtle substitution of this COUNTERFEIT "government of God" for the holy spirit! Through
               this deception he has wound up gaining full control of EVERY church that YEHOVAH has raised

                       Brilliant deception -- NOT from the outside, but from the INSIDE!

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