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P. 76

                                             Come Out From Among Them

                       If you understand these things I have written, and have not yet completely surrendered your
               conscience toward YEHOVAH to this vile doctrine, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE -- NOW -- before it
               is too late! Don't wait one minute! As Matthew warns: "Let him who is on the house top not come
               down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his
               clothes." IT IS THAT URGENT, IT IS THAT SERIOUS! History is very clear, and the scriptures
               agree; THE CHURCH IS DOOMED!!

                       It cannot return to YEHOVAH -- it cannot recover itself from the Satanic snare of the "Pri-
               macy of Peter." No church ever has -- of that history is CRYSTAL CLEAR. Its only purpose now
               is TO TAKE YOU DOWN WITH IT. Listen to what I say!

                       The Worldwide Church of God (and others) will not relinquish their power over the con-
               science of the people. Understand this, they will NEVER voluntarily surrender this power to the
               spirit of YEHOVAH, and allow Christ to remove the faith of the people from the Church, and
               place it back on YEHOVAH. Men simply DO NOT surrender such power.

                       My friends, the lesson of history cannot be denied. How can I convince you that Christ will
               not work within these churches again? No more will He deliver them, and heal them, and pour YE-
               HOVAH's spirit on them, and work to develop YEHOVAH's nature within them. He will no longer
               guide them into the better resurrection!

                       They have REJECTED YEHOVAH's spirit, and they have taken in the spirit of Anti-Christ
               in its place! Jesus Christ -- the HEAD of the Church -- is no longer welcome here! He is on the
               OUTSIDE looking in! John writes: "Behold, I [Christ] stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
               My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" (Revela-
               tion 3:20). The Churches of God have again become the property of the Anti-Christ -- and those
               who LOVE Christ must FLEE for their lives.

                       Brethren, listen to me -- heed the warning! If you consciously disobey what you know to be
               true -- to obey a church that teaches this doctrine -- you are NOT serving Christ! You are serving
               Satan the Devil -- plain and simple!

                       If there is any spark of the spirit of the living God still within you, do NOT -- I repeat, DO
               NOT -- try to force that spirit to bow down before this debased IDOL OF IDOLS -- for it WILL
               NOT! It will leave you instead! Is that what you want?

                       The spirit of YEHOVAH will NEVER bow down before the FIRST doctrine of the king of
               Babylon, who is the Anti-Christ, who is Satan the Devil -- the great deceiver!

                       May the Eternal God YEHOVAH help you to recognize the danger and heed the warning!

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