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                       Will these poor, compromising people EVER be able to muster the courage of their convic-
               tions, and RETURN to serve the Living Christ? Will they be able to get off the fence and GIVE
               themselves "body and soul" to the TRUTH of God?

                       Sadly, the history of the Church of God has given us a clear answer: A few courageous
               ones will, but MOST will not! Even the majority of those who know truth will cling hopelessly to
               a sinking, dying church -- until their fast fleeing faith finally slips beneath the waves for the last
               time. Like those who put their faith in the Titanic -- the ship the builders said was unsinkable --
               they will see the church, the government they put their faith in, sink beneath the waves, pulling
               those who are too close down with it!

                       These fence-sitters are in GRAVE DANGER, because YEHOVAH has no use whatsoever
               for a compromised conscience! The Bible says: "For a double minded man is unstable in all his
               ways." Read II Corinthians 3:17: "...Where the spirit of the Lord is, THERE IS LIBERTY." And,
               my friends, where there is liberty, a man NEED NOT FEAR TO SPEAK HIS MIND! Please un-
               derstand this!

                       The workings of the doctrine of the "Primacy" are really quite simple. Its main, overriding
               purpose is to TAKE YOUR EYES off CHRIST and YEHOVAH God, and place them on a man, or
               an organization. Then, ever so slowly and almost unnoticeable at first, you will begin to TRANS-
               FER your faith in YEHOVAH to a mortal man, or to a church. Once this happens your faith no
               longer has any power! You will no longer be healed and your prayers are no longer answered! Be-
               cause, you see, you CANNOT disobey the spirit of YEHOVAH that is in your mind, and obey a
               man instead, and STILL expect YEHOVAH to answer your prayers. It just doesn't work that way!

                       Your faith is now in men, or a church -- and these things HAVE NO POWER! They cannot
               offer you salvation! They cannot help you -- and often, they wouldn't even if they could. Only YE-
               HOVAH GOD can help you! These men do not love you -- only YEHOVAH God and CHRIST
               love you! But you have allowed fallible men, cut off from YEHOVAH, to turn you AWAY from
               God the Father and Jesus Christ through this thing they called the "Primacy of Peter."

                       Once the faith of the people is removed from YEHOVAH and Christ, the Church is all they
               have left. Then subtly and quietly -- one by one -- all the OLD PAGAN DOCTRINES begin to
               creep into the Church. If this happens slowly, over an extended period of time, the people will ac-
               cept it without a murmur -- like the frog that is placed in gradually heated water.

                       This is the method -- the modus operandi, if you will -- that Satan has ALWAYS used to
               lead people away from YEHOVAH and His truth.

                       At this point it is probably too late. You have allowed yourself to be taken in by the master
               deceiver -- AGAIN! To be blunt, you have literally "sold your soul to the Devil" -- and you CAN-
               NOT return to YEHOVAH on your own. Satan simply WILL NOT let you go! Your only hope now
               is that Christ, who is filled with the love and mercy of His Father, will again open your mind to
               see the TRUTH. If he does this for you -- LISTEN TO HIM! Don't turn away -- it could well be
               your last chance in this life!

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