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P. 69

                       Yet, if you have the ears to hear, this very need alone -- this need for a STRONG CEN-
               TRALIZED GOVERNMENT (and, of all places, within the Church of God) -- should REVEAL to
               the true people of God how very far they have drifted from the faith once delivered to the Saints!

                       The people of God, of all people, should not be DECEIVED by this FALSE SYSTEM --
               regardless of the way it is packaged or regardless of what name is given to it. Because, you see, it
               does not matter what it is called, or how carefully it is colored.

                                  Churches of God DO Teach the Primacy of Peter

                       The Worldwide Church of God, the so-called Philadelphia Church of God, the Living
               Church of God and Dankenbring's church all believe that the other apostles answered to Peter.
               They firmly believe he was the chief apostle. These churches (and others) have developed church
               governments based on this CATHOLIC ERROR!

                       These churches believe they have the power to "SET" doctrine and require men to BE-
               LIEVE and OBEY that doctrine!

                       Not only that, they also believe they have been granted the POWER to affix spiritual penal-
               ties to those who disagree with their interpretations of scripture. They believe YEHOVAH has
               granted them this power! In other words, they fully believe they can throw you out of the Church of
               God, rip the holy spirit from your mind and, unless you repent to THEIR representative and accept
               THEIR opinions and THEIR authority over you, YEHOVAH will relegate you to the lake of fire!

                       What colossal arrogance!

                       Call it what you please -- a rose by any other name is still a rose! A Pope by any other
               name is still a Pope!

                       There is, my friends, a HUGE, OVERWHELMING DIFFERENCE between requiring a
               minimum standard of decent behavior within a church (out of LOVE for the Church) and LIFTING
               yourself up over the people of God -- RULING them and their conscience toward YEHOVAH.
               This should be obvious!

                                      Primacy Cuts Man Off From YEHOVAH!

                       Isn't it obvious to you that this one EVIL DOCTRINE is responsible for a large portion of
               the combined sorrow of mankind? This VILE SATANIC LIE is responsible for man's grief be-
               cause it CUTS MAN OFF from his Creator -- his God. It is cleverly and subtly positioned BE-
               TWEEN men and Jesus Christ -- who is our High Priest before YEHOVAH. It is an intermediary!

                       Satan created it to frighten and confuse God's people, and he's done a masterful job! It is
               his greatest creation -- his most effective tool to DENY mankind the spirit of YEHOVAH!

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