Page 67 - BV6
P. 67

                       A study of history soon reveals that EVERY government of men inevitably becomes dissat-
               isfied with merely directing the actions of men. Eventually they always seek to CONTROL their
               very consciences.

                                                  Governments of Men

                       The first government on this side of the flood was formed by Nimrod (known as Osiris in
               Egyptian history) with, no surprise here, himself at its head. This government was "before" or in
               opposition to, the Lord. Nimrod's great desire was to rule all men, who were to answer directly to
               him instead of to God.

                       It was YEHOVAH's intent that men should separate, "be scattered abroad upon the face of
               the whole earth" (Genesis 11:4), but Nimrod wanted to keep them in Babylon. He wanted to rule
               them, and tax them, and live like a king on their backs!

                       YEHOVAH, on the other hand, wanted all men to be called by His name. But, the people of
               Babylon said, "Let US make a name for OURSELVES..." (Genesis 11:4). These rebellious men
               did not want the name of YEHOVAH -- they did not want to retain THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD
               in their minds (Romans 1:28).

                       Since the nation of Egypt was also founded by Nimrod, it too fell heir to this system of
               government, and in time ENSLAVED the children of Abraham -- the Israelites.

                       When YEHOVAH destroyed the power of Egypt with the plagues, He offered His govern-
               ment -- the TRUE GOVERNMENT -- to the freed children of Abraham, His friend. But, as the Bi-
               ble reveals, the children of Abraham could not bear to have YEHOVAH speak to them. It was at
               this point, at Mount Sinai, that they REJECTED the direct rule of YEHOVAH in their lives. They
               wanted an INTERMEDIARY. They wanted YEHOVAH to speak to Moses, and then Moses to re-
               lay the message to the people.

                       Even then they could not bear to look upon Moses. A VEIL was placed over his face. THE
               was later emphasized when a VEIL was placed before the Holy of Holies -- barring all ACCESS
               to YEHOVAH's Shekinah Glory. Only the High Priest -- an INTERMEDIARY -- had access to the
               Holy of Holies, and that was only once a year on the Day of Atonement!

                       Moses, therefore, instituted the system of judges, but even this contact with YEHOVAH
               was too direct for these poor, carnal people!

                       At the end of the period of the judges, the people came to Samuel the Prophet and said:
               "Now make for us A KING to judge us LIKE ALL THE NATIONS. But the thing displeased Sam-
               uel when they said, 'Give us a king to judge us.' So Samuel prayed to the Lord."

                       Why did this displease Samuel so?

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