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70                                                                             Islam’s Peace

                                          Islam’s Peace

                                       Be cause, in deed, be cause they have se duced My peo -
                                       ple, say ing,  “Peace!” when there is no peace...
                                       (Ezekiel 13:10).

                                       But the wicked are like the trou bled sea, when it can -
                                       not rest, whose wa ters cast up mire and dirt (Isa iah

                                                         Dave Hunt

                 T    hat Is lam  is “peace and tol er ance”  is the Civ i li za tion. Si mon  and Schuster, 1950, IV:
                      most pop u lar lie in the world to day. In tel lec - 188).
                      tuals in the West who de fame Christ par rot
                 the most fat u ous praise of Mu ham mad, in spite      Is lam’s  founder, Mu ham mad,  be gan
                 of his leg acy of mur der, pil lage and rape. A Ses - his ca reer  at tack ing  rich car a vans  pass ing
                 ame Street-type Arabic TV pro gram     fea tures near his base in Me dina.  The first three as -
                 chil dren  train ing  to be sui cide  bomb ers  and saults failed. The fourth suc ceeded  be cause
                 chant ing  “Death to Is rael”  -- for peace, of the vic tims were sur prised by an am bush dur -
                 course. Re porter  Ann Coul ter  sug gests,  “In as - ing Ramadan. Arab tribes had long re frained
                 much as lib er als are de mand ing that Amer i cans from ag gres sion  in that “holy month.” Mu -
                 rit u al is ti cally  pro claim,  ‘Is lam  is a re li gion  of ham mad,  how ever,  had re ceived  a “rev e la -
                 peace,’ Mus lims might do their part by not kill - tion” au tho riz ing  plun der  and mur der  in
                                                                 Al lah’s
                 ing peo ple all the time” (www.jewishworld-             name dur ing  this spe cial  time of
                 re ter.html)                 peace (Surah  2:217). An other  ab solved  the
                                                                 Mus lims  of kill ing:  “Ye slew them not, but
                         That our lead ers  pro mote  this lie, and Al lah slew them” (Surah 8:17).
                 that so many be lieve it with out one fact to sup -
                 port it, bodes ill for Amer ica and the world. We      Most Mus lims  don’t re al ize  that in
                 only ask Mus lims for one ex am ple of where and ob serv ing Ramadan and the an nual  pil grim -
                 when Is lam ever brought peace and tol er ance -- age (hajj) to Mecca, they fol low what pa gan
                 and please don’t threaten us with death (the stan - Arabs prac ticed for cen tu ries be fore Mu ham -
                 dard /Is lamic per sua sion) for ask ing!       mad was born. Had Pres i dent  Bush known
                                                                 the truth in stead of the mis in for ma tion fed to
                         Never for get  that Mus lims  slaugh tered him by Cleve land  State Uni ver sity law pro -
                 and con quered “for Al lah” from Spain to China. fes sor Da vid F. Forte (Im pri mis (Oct. 2002),
                 These Arab con quests  (de fen sive  bat tles,  they 2-6; Serge Trifkovic,  The Sword of the
                 claim) were “more rapid than the Ro man, more Prophet: The Pol i tically In cor rect Guide to
                 last ing than the Mon gol...the most amaz ing feat Is lam (Re gina Or tho dox Pres, 2002), 83-84),
                 in mil i tary his tory” (Will Durant, The Story of  he might not have hosted a White House

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