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72                                                                             Islam’s Peace

                 ila  (god) but Al lah  and Mu ham mad   is his         Uthman ibn Affan, the third ca liph,
                 prophet.” This “con ver sion  with out  faith” was con sol i dated  and ex panded  the grow ing  Is -
                 es tab lished when Abu Sufyan, a Qur’aish leader,  lamic em pire.  A son-in-law of Mu ham mad,
                 upon sur ren der ing Mecca in 630 to Mu ham mad he stan dard ized the Qur’an, burn ing all ri val
                 and his su pe rior army, ad mit ted that he doubted cop ies  over pro tests  of those still alive who
                 the lat ter’s prophet hood. He was warned, “’Ac - re mem bered  dif fer ent  read ings  and miss ing
                 cept Is lam  and tes tify  that Mu ham mad  is the verses. Among these was Mu ham mad’s  fa -
                 apos tle of Al lah  be fore your neck is cut off by vor ite  wife Aisha who, by the way, never
                 the sword.’ Thus [with out  be liev ing]  he pro - veiled her face. Uthman, too, was mur dered
                 fessed the faith of Is lam and be came a Mus lim” by a ri val Mus lim fac tion. Pre vented from be -
                 (Cf. Ibn Hisham, part 4 of his Bi og ra phy of the ing bur ied in a Mus lim cem e tery, he was bur -
                 Prophet, cited in Trifkovic,  Sword, 48). This ied at night by friends, iron i cally, in a Jew ish
                 pat tern is fol lowed to day: con fess or die!  cem e tery.

                        Upon Mu ham mad’s    death in A.D. 632,         Is lam di vides the world into dar al-Is -
                 many Arabs at tempted  to aban don  Is lam.  Abu lam (the house of peace) and dar al-Harb (the
                 Bakr (the first ca liph  to suc ceed  Mu ham mad) house of war). To bring “peace,” Al lah com -
                 and his war riors in the in fa mous Wars of Apos - mands, “I shall cast ter ror  into the hearts of
                 tasy killed tens of thou sands  of ex-Mus lims, the in fi dels.  Strike off their heads! (8:13);
                 forc ing Ara bia back into Is lam. Mu ham mad had Slay the idol a ters  wher ever  you find
                 com manded,   “Who ever  re lin quishes  his faith, them...(9:5); O Prophet, strug gle with the un -
                 kill him.” Is lam is still en forced this way un der be liev ers  and hyp o crites  and be thou harsh
                 shari’a (Is lamic law) in Saudi Ara bia and wher - with them...(9:73); Be lievers,  make war on
                 ever Mus lims are able to do so. This is peace and  the in fi dels that dwell around you...” (9:123).
                 tol er ance?!                                  Per pet ual ji had  is com manded  un til  all the
                                                                world is un der shari’a. Nor would that bring
                        The Uni ver sal  Is lamic  Dec la ra tion  of peace, be cause  Mus lims  fight among them -
                 Hu man  Rights was an nounced   at the In ter na - selves, as his tory tes ti fies.
                 tional Con fer ence  on the Prophet Mu ham mad
                 and his Mes sage held in Lon don in April 1980. It     The fourth and last of the “rightly
                 de clares, “Is lam gave to man kind an ideal code guided” ca liphs  was Ali, Mu ham mad’s
                 of hu man  rights four teen  cen tu ries  ago...based cousin and son-in-law. Ac cused of com plic -
                 on the Qur’an and the Sunnah [teach ings   and ity in Uthman’s mur der, he never fully es tab -
                 prac tice of Mu ham mad]....” HUMAN RIGHTS? lished his rule. Aisha sup ported   a re bel lion
                 What de ceit!                                  against him, re sult ing  in the Bat tle  of the
                                                                Camel in which 10,000 were killed. Ali won,
                        Abu Bakr was suc ceeded    as ca liph  by but was mur dered in 661.
                 Umar Abu Hafsa. His ar mies took Da mas cus in
                 635, Antioch in 636, Je ru sa lem in 638, Syria in     Wars of suc ces sion  pit ted  Qur’aish
                 640, Egypt and Per sia in 641. En tire cit ies were against Bed ou ins,  Umayyads against the
                 mas sa cred, such as Behnesa, Fayum, Nikiu and Hashimite fol low ers of Ali, etc. Most of Ali’s
                 Aboit in Egypt, Tri poli  in North Af rica  and fam ily were killed by ri val Mus lims in 680.
                 Euchaita in Ar me nia. Carthage was razed to the Mecca was be sieged by troops of Yezid, an
                 ground. In 644, Umar was mur dered.            Umayyad; the Ka’aba (later re stored)   was
                                                                burned to the ground, its Black Stone split

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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