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Islam’s Peace                                                                             73

                 into three pieces. Mecca was taken in 692 by           Mus lim con quests in volv ing mul ti ple
                 Abd-al-Malik (who in 691 had built the Dome of  mas sa cres of lit er ally mil lions con tin ued for
                 the Rock in Je ru sa lem to re place the Ka’aba). He  more than 1,300 years. Un der  the Abbasids
                 united Mus lims  once again by force and Is lam the Is lamic  em pire  reached its ze nith  of
                 con tin ued its con quests.                    power, pros per ity and learn ing.

                         In 712, Mus lim  raid ers  un der  Mu ham -    In Spain (to which Mus lims point as
                 mad Qasun be gan the in va sion of In dia, de mol - an ex am ple of their tol er ance) the gar ri son of
                 ish ing tem ples and pal aces and mas sa cring, as in  Muez was slaugh tered in 920; Pamplona was
                 Con stan ti no ple,  where the streets ran with put to the sword in 923; then Cordova,
                 blood. “The mas sa cres per pe trated by Mus lims Zaragoza and Mereda, with all adult males
                 in In dia  are un par al leled  in his tory,  big ger  in killed and women and chil dren en slaved. The
                 sheer   num bers    than   the   Ho lo caust....” Jews of Granada were butch ered in 1066, 34
                 (Trifkovic, Sword, 112). But Is lam is “peace!”  years af ter 6,000 Jews had been slaugh tered
                                                                in Fez, Mo rocco.  In 1146, Is lamic  Fez was
                         The Umayyad ca liph ate  ruled the Mus - put to the sword by ri val  Mus lims,  the
                 lim world un til 749 when all of the Umayyads Almohads, who con quered     much of North
                 were mur dered by the ri val Abbasids, ex cept one  Af rica  af ter  an ni hi lat ing  the Almoravides
                 sur vi vor,  abd-al-Rahman, who fled to Spain (an other Mus lim fac tion) with about 100,000
                 where he es tab lished an in de pend ent ca liph ate. mas sa cred,  an other  120,000  killed  in
                 Thus be gan the Abbasid ca liph ate, which lasted Marrakesh, and sim i lar slaugh ters else where
                 un til 1258 in spite of in trigue, as sas si na tions and  -- all ges tures of “peace.”
                 up ris ings -- all peace ful, of course.
                                                                        The 400-year rule of the Ot to man
                         The dou ble-cross  and mur der  of Mus - Turks saw forced kidnapings of young boys
                 lims at the hands of Mus lims  con tin ues  to this into Is lam and slav ery, caus ing par ents to mu -
                 day. Scarcely a Mus lim re gime is not ruled by a ti late chil dren to make them un de sir able. Un -
                 dic ta tor who seized power from other Mus lims, der the Ot to mans,  be ing  Greek, Ar me nian,
                 as in Syria and, re cently, Iraq. The ten-year rev o - Serb or any other non-Mus lim was to live in
                 lu tion in Al ge ria has cost 100,000 lives. In Af - daily fear of mur der, rape, tor ture, geno cide.
                 ghan i stan,  ri val  Mus lim  war lords  fight one To this day, Serbs and Bul gar i ans  loathe
                 an other. “In fi dels” have to in ter vene there as in Turks and Bosnians.
                 the Gulf, to en force  peace among “peace ful”
                 Mus lims.                                              When Sul tan Murad III died, his son
                                                                Mu ham mad   had all nine teen  of his broth ers
                         Mus lims  loyal to the mur dered  Ali and mur dered and the seven of his fa ther’s con cu -
                 his sons are called Shi’ites (the ma jor ity in Iran). bines who were preg nant sewn into sacks and
                 The oth ers  are called Sunnis and com prise  the thrown into the sea. The suc ces sor of Murad
                 ma jor ity  else where.  These two fac tions  have IV had all 300 women in his harem sewn into
                 long dem on strated  that “Is lam  is peace” by sacks and thrown into the Bosporus. Like so
                 fight ing one an other, as in the eight-year war be - many other Mus lim lead ers, he was mur dered
                 tween Iran and Iraq when more peo ple    were -- peace fully.
                 killed than in World War I.
                                                                        The per se cu tion  of Jews in Ro man
                                                                Cath o lic Eu rope was mild com pared to what

                The Berean Voice
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