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Islam’s Peace                                                                             71

                 din ner hon or ing “the holy month Ramadan,” nor  ets  were  in spired  of  Sa tan  (Surah
                 flat tered Mus lims say ing “all the world con tin - 26:221-227).
                 ues to ben e fit  from this faith and its achieve -
                 ments.” BENEFIT?                                       Does it bother to day’s  Mus lims  that
                                                                mur der, rape, plun der and slav ery of in no cent
                        Chal lenged  to do mir a cles  like Christ, peo ple  were the ac cepted  way of life upon
                 Mu ham mad could do none. On March 16, 624, which Is lam was founded and still op er ates?
                 near Badr, he led 300 war riors in a vi cious at tack Ap par ently  not. Ka’b’s mur der  (the ac count
                 against a large Meccan car a van  pro tected  by a slanted with fic ti tious de tails) is jus ti fied on a
                 force of 800. Some 40 Meccans were killed and pop u lar  Mus lim  website, re veal ing  Is lam’s
                 60 taken pris oner to a loss of only 14 Mus lims. pe cu liar  mean ing  of “peace” and “jus tice”:
                 This amaz ing  vic tory  was seen as the at test ing “Ka’b had be come a real dan ger to the state of
                 mir a cle  Mu ham mad  needed. As a re sult,  the peace and mu tual trust which the Prophet was
                 ranks of Mus lims  swelled with those ea ger  to strug gling  to achieve in Madinah....The
                 share in fu ture plun der.                     Prophet    was   quite   ex as per ated  with
                                                                him....This was all part of the  great pro -
                        Hav ing  proved him self  the prophet of cess...which helped to make Is lam spread and
                 Al lah  with the sword, Mu ham mad  sealed his es tab lish it on foun da tions of jus tice and pi ety
                 apos tle ship with more than twenty mur ders, be - [em pha sis  added] ( -
                 gin ning with al-Nadr, an old en emy from Mecca.  ple/com pan ions/maslamah.html).
                 Taken cap tive in the bat tle at Badr, he pleaded
                 that the Meccan Qur’aish tribe would never kill        Christ left Chris tians  “an ex am ple,
                 cap tives.  Mu ham mad  had him be headed  any - that ye should fol low  his steps: who did no
                 way, jus ti fy ing  the deed with an other  “rev e la - sin, nei ther  was guile found in his mouth:
                 tion”: “It is not for any Prophet to have cap tives who, when he was re viled, re viled not again;
                 un til he hath made slaugh ter in the land” (Surah when he suf fered,  he threat ened  not...[but]
                 8:67).                                         bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that
                                                                we, be ing dead to sins, should live unto righ -
                        Much of the grow ing    Mus lim  wealth teous ness...”  (1 Pe ter 2:21-24). But the Mus -
                 came from rob bing   and kill ing  Jews, caus ing lim must fol low the ex am ple of Mu ham mad
                 “the dis ap pear ance of these Jew ish com mu ni ties who killed all who dared to dis agree  with
                 from Ara bia  proper” (W.N. Arafat, Jour nal  of him!
                 the Royal Asi atic So ci ety of Great Brit ain and
                 Ire land, 1976, 100-107) -- jus ti fied by a fur ther  A Chris tian must “know” God (Jer e -
                 “rev e la tion”  (Surah  33:26,27). To this day, by miah 9:24; John 17:3), “love” God with all
                 law no Jew may set foot in Saudi Ara bia.      his heart (Deu ter on omy 6:5; Mat thew 22:37,
                                                                etc.) and “be lieve” in Christ in his heart (Acts
                        A num ber of po ets were mur dered at Mu - 8:37; Romans  10:9). The God of the Bi ble
                 ham mad’s  be hest  for hav ing  mocked him in wants man’s trust and af fec tion with out co er -
                 verse. The first was the po et ess  Asthma bint cion.
                 Marwan, stabbed to death by Umayr while she
                 was nurs ing  her youn gest  child. The poet Abu       In con trast,  Al lah  can be nei ther
                 Afak (re port edly more than 100 years old) was known nor loved. Nor does one even have to
                 mur dered next. Then came the Jew ish poet Ka’b be lieve to be come a Mus lim. Un der threat of
                 bin al-Ashraf. A timely “rev e la tion” said all po - death, one merely re cites aloud, “There is no

                The Berean Voice
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