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The Dynasty of the Oppression                                                             65

                       THE COLUMNED PALACE west of the Tell el-Dab’a mound, as well as a va ri ety         of
                       OTHER BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS that seem to have sur rounded the Birka lake.
                       One of these, a TEMPLE OF THE EGYPTIAN KING AMENEMHET I., was found to con -
                       tain a tab let spe cif i cally re fer ring to the ‘TEMPLE OF AMENEMHET in [at] the wa ter of
                       the town’ -- in de pend ent cor rob o ra tion of the town’s abun dance of wa ter....

                       But what is also quite ob vi ous from Dr. Bietak’s find ings is that not only was this site the
                       TRUE BIBLICAL RAMESSES, it quite ev i dently had a his tory MUCH EARLIER than the
                       time of Ramesses II. as well, and was in fact none other than the HYKSOS CAPITAL,
                       AVARIS, re ferred  to in Manetho’s His tory.  --  The Ex o dus  Enigma, by Ian Wil son.
                       Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Lon don. 1985. Pps. 48, 49 & 52.

                                                  The City of the Sun!

                       Let’s look at an other  city men tioned  in the Sep tu a gint  ver sion  of the Bi ble  -- On, or
                Heliopolis. Al though the city of On was n’t orig i nally set tled dur ing the Mid dle King dom, it was,
                how ever, REBUILT ON A MASSIVE SCALE by a pha raoh          of the 12th DYNASTY! We read
                about this in Henry Brugsch-Bey’s book, A His tory of Egypt Un der the Pha raohs:

                       ...a re mark able doc u ment on parch ment, which I had the good for tune to ac quire at Thebes
                       in 1858, and which for some years past has been in the pos ses sion of the Berlin col lec tion of
                       Egyp tian an tiq ui ties, make the fact cer tain, that USURTASEN I. [of the 12th Dy nasty], at
                       the very be gin ning of his reign, oc cu pied him self with BUILDINGS AT THE TEMPLE OF
                       THE CITY OF THE SUN [ON, HELIOPOLIS]. This im por tant ma te rial informs us how, in
                       the third year of his reign, he as sem bled round his throne the first of fi cials of his court, to
                       hear their opin ion  and their coun sel  as to his in ten tion  of RAISING WORTHY
                       BUILDINGS TO THE SUN-GOD. As usual in such as sem blies, the king be gins his ad dress
                       with a sol emn ref er ence to his di vine de scent....From this he pro ceeds to a dis course on the
                       im por tance of the build ings and mon u ments ded i cated to the de i ties, start ing from the idea
                       that such alone are able to im mor tal ize the mem ory of a ruler. Af ter the ad dress, the as sem -
                       bled coun sel lors UNANIMOUSLY APPROVE the good in ten tions of their lord, and en -
                       cour age  him to carry out the same with out  de lay.  THE PHARAOH IMMEDIATELY
                       BEEN DETERMINED UPON, and then be gins the sol emn cer e mony of LAYING THE
                       FOUNDATION-STONE by the king him self. --  Pps.151-152.

                       The re sult of this cer e mony was a work that can still be seen to day! Not far from Cairo, in
                the neigh bor hood of the vil lage of Matarich, a huge obe lisk made out of the hard est and most beau -
                ti ful rose gran ite points sky ward, com mem o rat ing the work of the Is ra el ites as they slaved un der
                this pha raoh to re-build the “City of the Sun.”

                       Usurtasen erected a mas sive  BRICK-BUILT dou ble    wall around the main tem ple   at
                Heliopolis, which also sur rounded the area of pres ent-day Tell Hisn. The area this wall en closed has
                been es ti mated to mea sure some 1,100 by 475 me ters, or 1,203.4 by 519.7 yards! (At las of An cient
                Egypt, by Baines and Malek. P.173).

                The Berean Voice
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