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P. 40

40                                                                  Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                 Oh, do you con sider the sec tion of this site on “World Re -      ***
                 li gions” to truly be just that?
                                                                Dear H.I.M.,
                 Stephen                                        Thanks be to God the Fa ther the Eter nal God of hosts,
                                                                whose Name alone is YEHOVAH, and the first of the
                 COMMENT: This topic is, of course, way too large and firstfruits [the] be loved  son Yeshua the Mes siah  for
                 com pre hen sive to an swer in de tail in this sec tion. Suf fice giv ing us this gen u ine knowl edge and un der stand ing
                 it to say that your claim that evo lu tion has been ob served is  through His in stru ment  (H.I.M.). I un der stand  how
                 non sense and, frankly, to tally un true. Have you ob served a  very busy you are (Ed i tor), and am very grate ful for
                 tran si tion from one spe cies to an other? Have you ob served  your hard work and that our great gen er ous God raised
                 mu ta tions  that re sult  in evo lu tion ary  build ing  blocks? you up in this pro phetic mis sion. And the big gest ap -
                 Have you seen data that ab so lutely proves hu man kind de - pre ci a tion for all the ar ti cles, mag a zines I re ceive free
                 scended from apes? Have you seen “na ture” se lect ben e fi - of charge, how mer ci ful the work in deed (Matt. 5:7).
                 cial mu ta tions and re ject harm ful ones so that one kind of
                 life even tu ally be comes an other, im proved kind? The an - Our sur vival with my fam ily is a thrill ing and ex cit ing
                 swer is no, you have not -- nor has any one else on the face ex pe ri ence be cause or in spite of the fact that my job is
                 of this earth!                                 only to chop wood for fire wood and sell it to the con -
                                                                sumer from (1976 - 1990) -- that is be fore and af ter  I
                 At best “nat u ral se lec tion” can only mean sep a rat ing the was bap tized in 1985 in (WCG), it was a si lent suc cess
                 strong from the weak, and a new kind of plant or a new pic tur ing hu mil ity and pa tience God’s way -- I Pe ter
                 kind of an i mal is never the re sult of nat u ral se lec tion  or 2:19-20.
                 sur vival alone. And since new kinds of liv ing things do not
                 re sult from mu ta tions ei ther, evo lu tion is left com pletely In 2000 af ter we ar rived in Palawan in 1991 -- I joined
                 with out a mech a nism that could ac count for it.   the tiny group of TPM led by Mr. George Henry
                                                                Santos rep re sen ta tive of Mr. (TPM) Dankenbring here
                 Notes con firmed evo lu tion ist Sir James Gray: “All bi ol o - in Palawan. It was here in this group that I got your ad -
                 gists are not equally sat is fied. Some feel that the ar gu ment dress and read your ar ti cle about God’s Sa cred Cal en -
                 gets un com fort ably  close to a point when an ad e quate dar, af ter I gath ered much truth thru your mag a zine  I
                 num ber  of mon keys,  tap ping  type writ ers  [or com puter stopped at tend ing their Sat ur day Sab bath ser vice and
                 key boards] for an ad e quate length of time will in ev i ta bly now never at tend to them, thanks for the real truth.
                 pro duce an en cy clo pe dia. Such a thing, of course, is con -
                 ceiv ably  pos si ble  but no body  in their right senses takes As of to day ram pant cor rup tion in our na tional as well
                 such things into con sid er ation in ev ery day life.”  as in lo cal gov ern ment agen cies due to this the poor
                                                                and the rich be com ing  poorer and richer -- a re play
                 “We ei ther  have to ac cept  nat u ral  se lec tion  as the only from the past.
                 avail able guide to the mech a nism of evo lu tion, and be pre -
                 pared to ad mit that it in volves a con sid er able el e ment of Eventually at present I’m 57 yrs. old this coming
                 spec u la tion, or feel in our bones that nat u ral se lec tion, op - March not just like before chopping wood for bread
                 er at ing  on the ran dom  mu ta tions,  leaves too much to and butter is an easy exercise now. I’m physically
                 chance....If we look on or ganic evo lu tion  as one of Na - weak and hard of hearing due to a defect in my left
                 ture’s games of chance it seems just a lit tle strange that she  ear. But in spite of this God is merciful to us, the
                 should have dealt quite so many win ning hands. But your good news is ringing around the corner spiritual
                 guess is as good as mine” (Sci ence To day, pp. 29, 30).  things...peace and contentment (Philippians 4:10-14).

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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