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The Virgin Birth and the Messiah                                                          25

                       Most will im me di ately think of the pas sages in the New Tes ta ment that re fer to the child
                (Yeshua) be ing con ceived "of the Holy Ghost"; we will briefly ad dress that is sue.  First, as al ready
                men tioned,  there is le git i mate de bate re gard ing the au then tic ity  of the ac counts re corded in the
                early chap ters of Mat thew and Luke; so, the al leged ful fill ment of Isa iah 7:14 in those Gos pels may
                be an in ven tion of the early Constantinian minded Greek and Ro man scribes.  The clear con text of
                Isa iah 7:14, as just dis cussed, does not even hint at any sort of Mes si anic ful fill ment.  Also, the
                Word (Scrip tures) is Spirit; there fore, be ing con ceived of the holy spirit could just as well mean be -
                ing con ceived,  as proph e sied  or planned, by YEHOVAH God through His Word.   The plan of
                YEHOVAH al ways in volved the birth of THE Mes siah; there fore, be ing con ceived (planned) by
                the holy spirit could just as eas ily mean be ing planned by the Cre ator and man i fested at that time.

                       Next we wish to ad dress a com mon ar gu ment put forth by those pro mot ing the vir gin birth
                as they at tempt to wig gle free from the CLEAR con tex tual facts pre vi ously pre sented.  This ar gu -
                ment is among one of the clear est ex am ples of pan icked des per a tion that one can find within tra di -
                tional Chris tian Bib li cal in ter pre ta tions.

                                                  A Literal Descendant

                       You know that feel ing you get when a friend makes a fool of them selves in pub lic?  You
                know that feel ing  of em bar rass ment for them?  Well, the typ i cal tra di tional Chris tian ar gu ment
                we’re about to dis cuss is like that.  It is such an ob vi ous act of des per a tion that it ac tu ally makes us
                feel em bar rassed for the Chris tian and Mes si anic lead ers that are forced to uti lize it as they find
                them selves with no place to hide from the UNAMBIGUOUS PROOFS found within the con text of
                Isa iah 7 and 8.  The ar gu ment to which we re fer is that used by those pro mot ing the vir gin  birth of
                the verse Gen e sis 3:15, which re fers to the "seed" of woman.  They fran ti cally at tempt to pro mote
                the teach ing  that within this verse there is a mys te ri ous  code, which dif fer en ti ates  be tween the
                "seed" of man and the "seed" of woman, that lay dor mant for 4000 years then re ap peared to ap ply to
                Mary, the mother of Yeshua.  Be low we show four sep a rate trans la tions of the verse –

                       15 And I will put en mity be tween thee and the woman, and be tween thy seed and her seed; it
                       shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Gen e sis 3:15 (Tanakh))

                       15 I will put en mity be tween you and the woman, And be tween your off spring and hers;
                       They shall strike at your head, and you shall strike at their heel. (Gen e sis 3:15 (NRSV))

                       15 I will put en mity be tween you and the woman, and be tween your off spring and hers; he
                       will strike your head, and you will strike his heel. (Gen e sis 3:15 (NASB95))

                       15 And I will put en mity be tween you and the woman, and be tween your seed and her seed;
                       he shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel. (Gen e sis 3:15 (KJV))

                       Pri marily, as a re sult of the KJV trans la tion, tra di tional Chris tians stretch, twist, and bend
                the words "seed" and "woman" into be ing some sort of mys te ri ous code-match of words to im ply
                the Mes siah is here shown to be of the "seed" of Mary in stead of the "seed" of Jo seph.  There fore,
                they at tempt to force the ar gu ment that the CLEAR and OFTEN STATED cru cial re quire ment that
                the Mes siah be LITERALLY of the off spring of King Da vid THROUGH HIS FATHER, which we

                The Berean Voice
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