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                undoubtedly someone's sacred treasure. Was it a could just as well be Jewish as Christian," says Prof.
                daughter of Jerusalem, a delicate maiden with the amu-  Mazar, "but the pictoral inscriptions add much to our
                let adorning her left arm? Or was it a strapping soldier,  understanding of the nature of the owner of this amu-
                fighting against the Roman legions for the freedom of  let."
                Israel, binding this precious amulet close to his heart?
                                                               The top row is occupied by the statue of a Man, inside
                We may never know, but what we do know is that this  a circle, who appears to be carried to heaven by four
                2,000 year-old heirloom seems to depict scenes of Je-  flying angels. He has a six-sided star on both sides
                sus' ministry, including several miracles recorded in  above Him. Behind the Man, three sides of a first cen-
                the Gospel accounts.                           tury cross can be seen.

                "Amulets were common throughout the ancient Middle  The second row (starting from the left) depicts a group
                East," says Jerusalem historian, Prof. Ory N. Mazar. of two shepherds, one leaning on a staff and raising his
                "They were worn as jewelry or kept in pouches and  hand towards a large star. The other shepherd is facing
                were used by kings, servants, merchants, priests, com-  him. Behind both, underneath the star, are two animals
                moners and slaves alike."                      (probably sheep).

                The artwork of the amulet, the engraved impressions,  To the right side on the same line, the scene appears to
                usually showed pictures and words often projecting  depict the adoration of the Magi. (Matt. 2) Guided by a
                themes or events meaningful to the owner.      similar star, and with a winged angel carrying a scepter
                                                               leading them, these men bring gifts to a child who is
                "This amulet," says archaeologist M. Leon, "was dis-  held on his mother's lap and is extending his hands to-
                covered some years ago and smuggled out of the Mid-  ward them.
                dle East. Only recently, a copy was found at the
                Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia."   On the third line, in the center, the figure of Christ
                                                               stands in the middle, scepter in his raised right hand,
                Based on the information provided and the inscriptions  between two kneeling women. The one on the left,
                on the amulet itself, experts believe that it dates to the  touching the hem of His garment, is reminiscent of the
                late part of the first century or early second century  woman healed of bleeding. (Matt 9:20, Mark 5:25,
                AD.                                            Luke 8:43) The woman on the right might be the Ca-
                                                               naanite woman, interceding for her daughter. (Matt.
                                                               15:22, Mark 7:26) Behind her, the scene seems to de-
                "One side of the amulet illustrates the uniqueness of  pict Zacchaeus, being a short man, perched on a tree-
                this artifact," says Leon. Four congested, horizontal  top and trying to watch Jesus. (Luke 19:2-5)
                rows of figures are divided by three lines of inscrip-
                tions. These rows seem to display several of the most  The other two scenes are believed to be the man healed
                significant scenes of Jesus' life and ministry on earth.  of palsy carrying his bed (Matt. 4:6, Luke 5:24), and
                The inscriptions, engraved in Greek, which was the in-  another man, clearly identified by the spots on his na-
                ternational language of the time, are written in the  ked body, would be the leper of Matt. 8:2 and Mark
                style of the Septuagint translation of the Old Testa-
                ment which was concluded in the third century BC.   1:40.

                The first inscription is reminiscent of Psalm 54: "O  The second picture from the left on the same line ap-
                Lord, give not strength to my enemies as your right  pears to be a man shown naked with his hands tied be-
                hand protects me everywhere." The second inscription,  hind his back. Is this the demon-possessed man whose
                written on the rim in a circle with a cross between the  two friends, shown hovering on both sides, are just
                first and the last words, reads: "Turn evil unto the heads  leaving him to his torment? (Luke 8:26)
                of those, O Lord our God. Do not give them power."
                                                               On the far left, a blind man washes his eyes in the wa-
                                                               ters of the Shiloah (Siloan) Pool. (John 9:7) The
                "Those" may be a reference to the Roman conquerors  spring itself is portrayed as a flowing creek with a
                of Judea or possibly others who have ill intentions to-  young man stretching out a hand to it. The bottom
                ward the owner of the amulet. "These invocations

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