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                     The Hebrew scriptures contain more than          According to undisputable history and
                300 prophecies telling when and where the       Israel's own prophets, it is 1,900 years too late
                King of the Jews would be born, all about       to expect the first coming of the Messiah. Is-
                Him, including His rejection, crucifixion, and  rael's only hope is His second coming. Tragi-
                resurrection. All were fulfilled to the letter in cally, it will take Armageddon for Israel to
                Jesus Christ. If He is not the Messiah, there is  recognize her Messiah. When Jahweh person-
                no Messiah. On the very day the angel Gabriel ally appears to rescue Israel from destruction,
                foretold to Daniel (Dan. 9:25), Jesus rode into  every Jew alive will see that He is the man
                Jerusalem, was hailed as the Messiah as         who was pierced to the death for their sins and
                Zechariah had prophesied (Zech. 9:9), then      resurrected, the very Messiah promised by
                was crucified for our sins and resurrected as their prophets, whom they have rejected. Then
                Israel's prophets had foretold. On the tree     all Israel still alive will believe. And the King
                above His head, Pilate placed this accusation:  of the Jews at last "shall reign for ever and
                "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS"            ever"! Right now He offers forgiveness, peace,
                (Mat. 27:37).                                   eternal life and a benevolent reign on the
                                                                throne of every heart that will open to Him.

                  The British Served Under Another              has departed from us. Hold fast to what is right, for
                                   Queen                        who knows how soon God will raise David in our
                                                                Elizabeth and pour out a blessing that she wage politi-
                                                                cal warfare in her parliaments and move their stony
                                                                hearts that she may lead her people to that freedom
                The vision we once had seems to have departed from
                our people. In its place is a spiritual apathy, a political  which cannot be bought for the goods that perish.
                and economic malaise, and death that stalks in the
                street in the wake of terrorism and disease. People be-  Before leading her people against the Romans who had
                gin to  rebel against the injustices inflicted upon them.  killed her husband, outraged her daughters, and plun-
                The unemployed languish at home or at street corners,  dered her kingdom, Boadicea addressed her army of
                their talent and skills and strengths confused from lack  120,000 in words that could well be spoken today:
                of direction. We look in wonder at our kingdom and
                see it plundered and raped, and no one comes to help.  "I rule not like Nitocris, over beasts of burden, as are
                Is this our heritage?                           the effeminate nations of the East, nor like Semiramis,
                                                                over tradesmen and traffickers, nor like the man-
                Boadicea                                        woman, Nero, over slaves and eunichs, such is the pre-
                                                                cious knowledge these foreigners introduce amongst
                                                                us; but I rule over Britons, little versed indeed in craft
                The Roman historian, Dion Cassius, wrote of the 'Bri-  and diplomacy, but born and trained to the game of
                tannic' Boadicea, or Boudicca:                  war; men who in the cause of liberty stake down their
                                                                lives, the lives of their wives and children, their lands,
                "Her stature exceeded the ordinary height of woman;  and property. Queen of such a race, I implore your aid
                her aspect was calm and collected, but her voice had  for freedom, for victory over enemies infamous for
                become deep and pitiless. Her hair, falling in long  the wantonness of the wrongs they inflict, for their
                tresses as low as her hips, was collected round her  perversion of justice, for their insatiable greed; a peo-
                forehead by a golden coronet; she wore a tartan dress  ple that revel in unmanly pleasures, whose affections
                fitting closely round her bosom, but below the waist  are more to be dreaded and abhorred than their enmity.
                expanding in loose folds as a gown; over it she wore a  Never let a foreigner bear rule over me or over my
                military cloak. In her hand she bore a spear." 1
                                                                countrymen; never let slavery reign in this land." 2
                Thus she appeared. Is this the vision we have of our
                Queen? Do not look upon her stature; David was not  1 Tacitus Annals 12, p37; 2 Xiphilinus Excerpta,
                tall, but he was a warrior. Say not that our loyalty also  p176.

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