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                            Saturn and the Sacred


                              I will punish Bel/Baal in Babel, and I will bring forth out of his
                              mouth that which he had swallowed up and the nations will not flow
                              together any more unto him. Yea, the wall of Babel must fall. Come
                              out of her my People. Run for your lives! Save your souls, each of
                              you, from the fierce anger of Jahwah. (Jeremiah 51:44).

                                                     Deborah Taylor

                       In the Babylonian Mysteries, Nimrod was given the name of Saturn, the hidden god. Nation
               after Nation gives glory and tribute to the hebdomadal gods of Babel.  Sabbath days are declared
               and set aside in their honor – Friday, the day honoring Venus – Saturday, the day honoring Saturn,
               and Sunday, the day honoring the Sun god.  Nimrod and his Babylonian Mystery worship is alive
               and well in the world today.

                       On May 5, 2000, the Sacred Babylonian Hebdomad will put forth a spectacular sign in the
               heavens.  The sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will all be in alignment.
               According to the Scriptures in the last days, there will be signs in the heavens.  All heavenly bod-
               ies are under the sovereign power of Jahwah, as described by Arthur W. Pink on page 37 of  The
               Sovereignty of God:

                       The heavenly bodies are also ruled by their Maker and perform His sovereign pleasure.
               Take two illustrations.  At god’s bidding the sun went back ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz to help
               the weak faith of Hezekiah.  In New Testament times, God caused a star to herald the incarnation
               of His Son – the star which appeared unto the wise men of the East.  This star, we are told, “went
               before them till it came and stood over where the young Child was” (Matt.2:9).

                       In August 1999, the US launched a spacecraft bound for Saturn.  Jahwah is even in control
               of all the actions of mankind, including the spacecraft heading for Saturn:  “Man may plan his jour-
               ney by his own wit but it is Jahwah who directs the steps.” (Prov.16:9) He “worketh ALL
               THINGS after the counsel of His own will.” (Eph. 1:11)  We must therefore state positively Jah-
               wah is directing this spacecraft on its journey to Saturn. WE HAD BETTER TAKE NOTICE!!!

                       The US spacecraft begins its orbit of Saturn on July 1, 2004. Let’s take a look at some an-
               cient documents which may give a clue to the significance of the year 2004 in Jahwah's plans.

                       The Book of Jubilees, an ancient manuscript written sometime during the first century of
               this Common Era, maintains Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden for seven years before

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