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                    Communism was once the big hope. The             Islamic countries are dictatorships, led by
                Communist revolution in Russia was financed     ruthless murderers and international terrorists
                to a large extent by some of the wealthiest and  such as Iraq's Saddam Hussein, Lybia's Kad-
                most powerful men in America. Praising its en-  dafi and Hafez Assad of Syria. In the name of
                forced atheism, John Dewey wrote in The New     Allah they imprison, torture and kill tens of
                Republic in 1928 that communism would           thousands of their own citizens and train and
                "counteract and transform...the influence of finance worldwide terrorism. In PLO territo-
                home and Church" and ultimately would fulfill   ries taken over from Israel, as in every Muslim
                the goals set forth in The Humanist Manifesto.  country, there is no freedom of conscience,
                                                                speech, religion, election or the media.
                     It sounded so good: equality for all. But
                those who enforced this "equality" were tyrants       Israel is the only democracy in the Middle
                looking out for their own selfish interests, who  East and she has the problems which democ-
                oppressed and stole from the people under       racy breeds. The Holy Land is plagued with
                them. Corruption flourished in the Soviet Union drugs, pornography, prostitution, youth rebel-
                and China and still does in every communist     lion, rape, robbery and murder. Selfishness
                nation.                                         pits Israeli against Israeli. More than 200,000
                                                                Israeli women are victims of domestic vio-
                    The same has always been true of Islam.     lence each year. The savagery in Israeli
                Muhammad imposed Islam with the sword. As       schools rivals that of the United States. Violent
                soon as he died, much of Arabia tried to aban-  crime among Israeli youth more than doubled
                don Islam, but was forced back into submission from 1993 to 1998. There is hostility between
                in the Wars of Apostasy in which tens of thou-  religious and secular Israelis and increasing
                sands were killed. Nor did that bring peace.    disillusionment  with   Judaism,   especially
                Muhammad's closest companions and relatives     among youth.
                fought savage wars for leadership, slaughtering
                one another for Allah and their dead prophet.       If Jeremiah were alive today, he would
                Thousands of Muhammad's followers were          warn Israel once again of coming judgment for
                butchered by one rival faction or another.      its sin. Israel needs to repent to the God of
                                                                Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But what if she
                     Islam hasn't changed. Between 1948 and     were to do so? The rabbis have no forgiveness
                1973, there were 80 revolutions in the Arab     to offer repentant sinners. They've had neither
                world, 30 of them successful, including the     temple nor sacrifices for sin for 1,900 years --
                murder of 22 heads of state. Sunnites, the larg-  exactly  as  foretold  (Hosea  3:4;  Luke
                est Islamic sect, and Shi'ites, the next largest,  21:20-24)!
                still fight one another. In the eight-year war
                between Iran and Iraq, 1,000 tons of poison gas     Why would God prophesy and allow this
                were used and there were more deaths than in    condition? Only if Jesus is the Messiah who, as
                World War I. Islam can't even bring peace       the Lamb of God, died for the sins of Jew and
                among Muslims. Yet British Prime Minister       Gentile alike. If His sacrifice on the tree ful-
                Tony Blair has said that Islam is synonymous    filled all the Old Testament sacrifices, they are
                with "peace, tolerance and a force for good."   no longer needed. That is the only explanation
                Incredibly, the Crystal Cathedral houses a joint  for God having left Israel without temple and
                "Christian and Muslim Institute for peace."     sacrifice all these years.

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