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                     Muhammad showed Muslims how to make        has been pursued since Babel. In 1921 the
                "peace." In A.D. 628 he made a peace treaty     Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was es-
                with his own Kuraish tribe. Two years later, he  tablished. The next year its journal, Foreign
                suddenly attacked Mecca and slaughtered Affairs, stated that there would be "no peace
                every male. Arafat has publicly declared, "In   or prosperity for mankind...until some kind of
                the name of Allah...I am not considering it [the  international system is created...." In 1934
                Israeli-PLO peace accord] more than the         H.G. Wells declared, "There must be a com-
                agreement signed between our prophet Muham-     mon faith and law for mankind....The main bat-
                mad and the Kuraish tribe....Peace for us means  tle is an educational battle." Children are being
                the destruction of Israel...." No place for the  educated to reject God and embrace Antichrist.
                King of the Jews! This is Islam -- take a close  In 1973, in the Saturday Review of Education,
                look!                                           Gloria Steinem, feminist leader, stated that by
                                                                the year 2000 "we will, I hope, raise our chil-
                     Muslim nations are arming themselves with  dren to believe in human potential, not God."
                missiles capable of delivering chemical, bio-
                logical and nuclear warheads. Syria has manu-       In May 1947 Winston Churchill declared,
                factured thousands of chemical warheads, has    "Unless some effective world supergovern-
                huge stores of biological weapons and has tri-  ment... can be set up and begin to reign, the
                pled its military and air power since the 1973  prospects for peace and human progress are
                Yom Kippur War. The whole world knows           dark and doubtful...." In 1948, in UNESCO: Its
                these weapons have one purpose: to destroy Is-  Purpose and its Philosophy, Sir Julian Hux-
                rael. But Israel also has nuclear weapons (soon  ley, its first director-general, explained that
                to be deployed in new efficient submarines)     "The general philosophy of UNESCO should
                and would use them if needed. Who will bring    be a scientific world humanism, global in ex-
                peace?                                          tent and evolutionary in help
                                                                the emergence of a single world culture...." UN
                    Christ warned of such incredible destruc-   Secretary-General Kofi Annan recently said
                tion that if He did not intervene to stop it no  that the "concept of national sovereignty" is be-
                flesh would be left alive on earth (Mt.         ing redefined and would have to be set aside.
                24:21-22). That remarkable prophecy antici-     In 2000, in a step toward a world religion, "the
                pated today's modern weapons. No wonder the     UN will extend its peacekeeping role into
                God of the Bible, who twelve times calls Him-   spiritual territory" and call for "its first summit
                self "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,     for world religious leaders."
                and the God of Jacob," promises repeatedly to
                defend Israel and Jerusalem in the last days!       No matter the form of government, rulers
                Having brought Israel to birth in 1948, God     are selfish and oppressive. That fact has been
                will complete His purpose. He declares,         repeatedly demonstrated worldwide. Africa
                "Shall a nation be born..." Shall I bring to the  threw off white colonial rule. But instead of the
                birth,...saith the Lord...and shut the womb?" (Is.  promised freedom, there was new bondage to
                66:8-9).                                        black despots. Instead of peace and prosperity,
                                                                there is growing chaos, poverty, unrest and
                     In its mad rebellion against God, the world  tribal and ethnic wars, with blacks killing
                rejects the "King of the Jews" and His prom-    blacks, repeated coups and revolutions that
                ised rule of international peace from David's   gain nothing.
                throne in Jerusalem, and makes its own plans.
                The ideal of a humanistic world government

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