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information concerning a distinction between the celebration of the "1 to the chodesh" and the
                       celebration of the "7 to the chodesh", refer to the previously cited passage from Ezekiel, Chapter
                       45: 18-20).

                              It isn't unreasonable to suspect that the Hebrew terms Shabbath and Shabbathown might re-
                       fer to, not just a single Shabbath, but perhaps to specific phases of the lunar cycle.

                              The time of the intermission -- or Shabbathown as cited above -- is shown to coincide with
                       "1 to the chodesh". The appearance of a date termed the "1 to the new beginnings" is prevalently
                       used throughout the original language texts (as documented in the previous sections). This particu-
                       lar conformity of usage also extends throughout the Greek Septuagint.

                              Some biblical passages show this singular date (the "1 to new beginnings") was specially
                       celebrated. This respective renewal festival is additionally shown to have occurred within the
                       Sabbath weeks (as documented above). Therefore, it is clear that this feast would have been cele-
                       brated in correspondence with the time of a respective lunar-phase). Then, instead of a generic
                       meaning of Sabbath (as only a time of special rest) -- the two terms Shabbath and Shabbathown
                       may have originally been understood to correspond to specific quarter-phases of the lunar

                              In the Bible Book of Leviticus, both terms "Shabbath" and "Shabbathown" appear together
                       -- as follows:

                              "... Six days shall work be done; [otherwise], the Seventh Day Shabbath Shabbathown [re-
                              quire] sacred assembly, all work shall not be done...". (Based upon Interlinear NIV
                              Hebrew-English Old Testament, Leviticus 23:3).

                              This double usage of the two nouns: "Shabbath" and "Shabbathown" is somewhat unusual,
                       and is used six additional times in the Hebrew Bible as follows:

                                                         Hebrew-Bible Usage Of
                                                       Shabbathown And Shabbath

                              1. Exodus 16:23 "Shabbathown Shabbath" is  holy...
                              2. Exodus 31:15 "Shabbath Shabbathown" is  holy...
                              3. Exodus 35:2 ... holy "Shabbath Shabbathown"...
                              4. Leviticus 16:31 ... "Shabbath Shabbathown"...
                              5. Leviticus 23:32 It is "Shabbath Shabbathown"...
                              6. Leviticus 25:4 ... "Shabbath Shabbathown"...

                              From amid all of the biblical passages which use the double noun "Shabbath Shabba-
                       thown", it is very peculiar that in a single instance (Exodus 16:23) the order of the two nouns is

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