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"...[after] the fifteenth day of the second month... [for six days] they gathered [food.
               Moses] said unto them...Tomorrow is 'Shabbathown Shabbath'...". (Exodus 16:1-23).

               In only this respective single instance amid all the biblical texts a "Sabbathown Shabbath"
        interval (as quoted) is shown to have occurred in the second half of the lunar-month cycle (or after
        the middle of the lunar-month). The syntactical usage implies that the term "Shabbathown Shab-
        bath" may apply to the last half of the lunar cycle, while (by inference) the term "Shabbath Shab-
        bathown" may apply to a date which occurred in the first half of the lunar cycle.

               Ultimately, it is logical to suspect that the interval of "Shabbath Shabbathown" may have
        had an original meaning which encompassed more than only a generic Sabbath of rest. This term
        may originally have been understood to apply to phases in the lunar cycle -- where under the
        Temple, an "intermission feast" was once celebrated in association with the lunar cycle.

               Based upon the unique New Testament usage of the Greek term: "Sabbatwn" (in compari-
        son with the other forms of "Sabbaton"), it may be that the cited Hebrew term: "Shabbathown"
        connotes plural Sabbaths, or extended Sabbath time (as it may refer to, or may additionally refer
        to, the indicated "1" delimiter, or intermission, as cited above).

         How Is This Work of YEHOVAH Supported?

               YEHOVAH does have a work on the face of this earth. That work is far beyond the mind
         and ability of men to understand. YEHOVAH is working in many different areas, in many direc-
         tions, with many different people to accomplish that which He intends to do before He returns to
         this earth in His Shekinah Glory at the End of this age. Hope of Israel Ministries is a "work"
         which YEHOVAH raised to proclaim His truth to a dying, corrupt, rebellious end-time genera-
         tion! An important part of our witness is to the present and former members of the Worldwide
         Church of God, who are presently being victimized by numerous "wolves in sheep's clothing."
         Part of this work is also to bear witness to the truth of YEHOVAH to modern Israel (the nations
         of the U.S., Britain, North-western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and, of course,
         to modern Judah who is erroneously named "Israel"), and to warn all these nations where their
         evil deeds are leading.

               If you would like to have a part in this "Work," then we would be more than happy to wel-
         come you on board as a fellow co-worker and contributor to Hope of Israel Ministries. You can
         have a part in this ministry, by your prayers, tithes and/or offerings, and by sharing the things you
         learn from us with your friends and relatives. Thank you for your help and your concern.

               Yes, I would like to help support Hope of Israel Ministries. Enclosed is______________
         for you to use in the furtherance of YEHOVAH's Work!


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