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P. 75

Is JUDAISM the Religion of


                                       How much do you know about the Jewish sects mentioned in
                                       your New Testament -- the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and
                                       the Herodians and Zealots? Were they all really YEHOVAH's
                                       Old Testament Church? This series of articles will cover, in
                                       depth, the origins and doctrines of these differing groups.

                                                           by Ernest Martin
                                                                Part One

                              People assume that Judaism is the religion of Moses -- that Jesus brought a message op-
                       posed to the Old Testament -- that He came to nullify the teaching of Moses.  It is taken for granted
                       that the New Testament presents a Gentile religion and that the Old Testament teaches Judaism!

                              Yet all these assumptions ARE ABSOLUTELY FALSE!

                              Shocking though it may seem, history proves that Judaism is NOT the religion of the Old
                       Testament Scriptures.  Judaism is plainly and simply the religion of the Jews -- a religion manu-
                       factured by their own ingenuity.  The Jews of Roman times had appropriated the name of Moses as
                       the author of their religion -- but in actuality, they had rejected Moses.  Jesus said: "Had ye be-
                       lieved Moses, ye would have believed me ... but ye believe not his writings" (John 5:46, 47).  The
                       Jews used the name of Moses, but they didn't practice what he commanded.

                              Just as today, there are hundreds of denominations and sects in what is commonly called
                       Christianity, all appropriating the name of Christ -- saying they are Christian -- but contradicting
                       each other and failing to practice what He taught!  And history proves that the Jews had misappro-
                       priated the name of Moses.

                              In effect, Judaism was a man-made religion!  Jesus said that they were "teaching for doc-
                       trines the commandments of men" (Mark 7:7).

                              It is time we looked into the records of history.  It is time we learned how the Jews de-
                       parted from the religion of Moses.  We will be dumbfounded to discover that Jesus, in reality, re-
                       emphasized the message that Moses brought -- in its true spiritual INTENTION.  And, instead of
                       nullifying Moses' teaching, He magnified it, having in view the true spiritual purpose originally

                              The time has come to get our eyes open to the facts!  Judaism was not, and is not, the relig-
                       ion of Moses!
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