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Balak, the king of the Moabites, was afraid    Once in Moab, Balaam speaks the words of
                 because he saw how numerous the Israelites     the Lord and blesses the Israelites instead of
                 were and knew what they had previously done    cursing them. Balak asks him again and again
                 to the Amorites. He convened "the elders of    to curse the Israelites, and each time Balaam
                 Midian" to ask their prophet, Balaam, to im-   blesses them: "Now is the time to say of Jacob
                 pose a magical curse on the Israelites.        and of Israel: 'See what God has wrought!'"
                                                                (23:23), and again: "How goodly are your
                 Indeed, "the elders of Moab and Mid-           tents, O Jacob, your dwellings-places, O' Is-
                 ian...came to Balaam, son of Beor..." (Num-    rael!" (Num.24:5)
                 bers 22:7) That evening, Balaam himself
                 spoke with God, "[but] God said to Balaam:     The Bible reminds us of this incident again in
                 You are not to go with them or curse the peo-  Deuteronomy, declaring: "No Ammonite or
                 ple; for they are to be blessed.'" (22:12)     Moabite, even down to the tenth generation,
                                                                shall become a member of the assembly of the
                 Nevertheless, "Balaam saddled his donkey,      Lord... because they hired Balaam son of Beor
                 and went with the officials of Moab." (Num     from Pethor in Aram-naharaim to revile you.
                 22:21) God was angry with Balaam and sent      The Lord your God... turned his denunciation
                 His angel to stand in the middle of the road   into a blessing..." (Deut.23:3-6)
                 with a sword. The donkey saw the Angel of
                 the Lord and got off the road. Balaam did not  The Deir 'Alla fragments report other events
                 see the Angel; he just struck the donkey to turn  from a different perspective. They say that in-
                 him back on the road.                          deed, "[Balaam] beheld a vision according to
                                                                the revelation of God." According to the text
                 After the third time, the "Lord opened the     fragments, Balaam understands from this vi-
                 mouth of the donkey" who asks Balaam why he    sion that a grievous divine judgment is in store
                 is beating him over and over again. Balaam     for him. He wants to repent and thereby fore-
                 answers: "Because you have made a fool of      stall the threatened punishment. This part of
                 me! " And he tells the donkey that if he had a  the story is similar to Jonah's repentance in
                 sword, he would kill him.                      Nineveh, in the book of Jonah.

                 Then, Balaam's donkey teaches his master a     In both the Bible and the Deir 'Alla texts, di-
                 lesson: "Am I not your donkey, which you       vine beings "come" to Balaam at night, and in
                 have ridden all your life to this day? Have I  both, he beholds visions and relates to others
                 been in the habit of treating you this way?"   what has been disclosed to him.
                 Balaam answered: "No."
                                                                A second group of text fragments, found at
                Then the Lord opened Balaam's eyes and he       Deir 'Alla near the first set, contain a series of
                saw the Angel. The latter told him: "I have     curses that refer to "maggots", "insufficient
                come out as an adversary because your way is    clothing", or sayings such as, "you shall lie on
                contrary to me." (Num 22:32) Balaam asks for    your eternal bed of rest", and "death shall take
                forgiveness for having sinned. The Angel of     away the child who is in the womb." This par-
                the Lord simply commands Balaam to go with      allels similar curses found in some passages
                the officials of the Moabite king, "but speak   of the Bible. According to archaeologists, it
                only what I tell you to speak." (Num 22:35)     may be that these phrases were actually ut-
                                                                tered by Balaam, though they are not men-
                                                                tioned in the Bible.

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