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Kippur for they are always in perfect conjunction!  The first holy day of Passover can't fall the day
               before or the day after Shabbat because it can never fall on any other day but the weekly Shabbat!
               Rosh Hashannah must always fall on a weekly Sabbath as well and, once again, it is only the
               Pharisaical Sabbath prohibitions that impose their will on God's calendar here.

                       There was no hint of postponements before the mid 4th century because the Jews has not
               been keeping an independent seven day weekly cycle up till then.  Yom Kippur had always been a
               day of affliction and had never caused undue hardship for God's people as He says by His Word.
               Only after the self-appointed arbiters of religious regulation twisted and perverted the sacred cal-
               endar for economic gain during the Babylonian exile did the whole system begin to unravel.  It's
               not hard to imagine their reasoning, it's the same as ours today: "We're still technically worship-
               ping on the 7th day after all and it means we'll be able to take advantage of the Roman market sys-
               tem.  This new 7 day Roman week is better than our old ways.  We're too out of the loop with this
               lunar cycle and, hey, everyone's doing it!  As long as we can say it is the 7th day what does it mat-
               ter where we start counting, we need to join the economic revolution."  We know the postpone-
               ments have caused us to observe the annual Sabbaths on the wrong days!  Is it impossible that we
               can have no error in the timing of our weekly Sabbath?  Who, in the face of this evidence, can hide
               his head in the sand and deny even the possibility that we and the Jews could be wrong about Sat-
               urday?   The postponements are clear evidence of this perversion and their true origin, perhaps
               more than any other single proof, drives the final nail in the coffin of the pagan Saturday Sabbath!

                       Dear readers, vital keys to lifting this cloud of controversy over the lunar vs the Saturday
               Sabbath are now before us!  Let us review, with a fresh eye and an open mind some simple truths
               surrounding this mystery:

               1) The Bible clearly defines the seventh day as the sabbath but does not map that day to our current
               week. Hence, Saturday CANNOT be proved or disproved by a seventh day argument alone.

               2) The seventh day sabbath observed by the Jews in the time of Christ was correct with regards to
               its timing though not without error in regard to its practice.

               3) That the Jews have preserved the oracles (including the calendar) of God does not necessarily
               mean that they have continued to observe them correctly.  We know that they do have error particu-
               larly in their Sabbath observance and we have seen that the postponements add error upon error.
               We need to be careful about assuming that they have kept its proper place in the calendar.  And,
               without a careful historical review, it does come down to an assumption.  Even those who want to
               argue for a perpetual, unbroken 7 day week, Saturday or not, do so by relying on traditions of men.
               There is NOTHING to support a Saturday Sabbath except the tradition of the Jews!  After all we
               have learned are we really going to build our altar on that shifting sand?

               4) The only calendar given by God is based on the sun and the moon. We long ago recognized that
               we could not determine the annual Holy Days from our modern pagan calendar. Why have we as-
               sumed that God's other weekly appointment is fine where it is, completely dissociated from the
               only calendar He gave and so neatly synchronized with the self-perpetuating Roman week?

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