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and items like furnishings and sacks and other unknown to the loyal commanders of the peo-
                equipment.                                     ple, the zealots secretly admitted the Idumeans
                                                               through one of the city gates. There ensued
                'Most of these textiles were perfectly pre-    frightful carnage; the Idumeans letting loose
                served in the desert conditions, and their con-  their hatred of the Jews to such an extent that
                servation is in the hands of the experts in    they grew weary of the slaughter (Josephus,
                Britain's Textile Conservation Centre at Hamp-  Wars IV, v:2).
                ton Court Palace, London. They are on loan to
                the British Museum by the Israel Antiquities   'These dreadful atrocities were made doubly
                Authority, and are being exhibited there at shameful by the fact that the zealots confessed
                present.                                       to the Idumeans that together they had wrought
                                                               such disaster in support of false accusations
                'The conservation program, begun in 1993, has against the priesthood, '...they had taken arms,
                achieved much, and analysis of the textiles has  as though the high priests were betraying their
                brought to light new information about first-  metropolis to the Romans, but had found no in-
                century A.D. trade and fashion and, signifi-   dication of such treachery...' (Josephus, Wars
                cantly, about life on Masada. For example,     IV, v:5). Perhaps further research and analysis
                David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent for of these important finds at Masada will resolve
                The Independent, 31st July, 1995, informs us   this historiographic controversy. Meanwhile
                that:                                          the Masada Textiles will be on show at the
                                                               British Museum until 29th October, 1995.
                'Around five percent of the textiles found were
                IMPORTED, HALF OF WHICH APPEAR TO                -- Wake Up! magazine, September/Oct. 1995
                possibly INCLUDING       BRITAIN.     Indeed,           Israel's Caucasus Trek
                some of the Jewish resistance fighters may
                have been wearing ORIGINAL SCOTTISH-           The movement of peoples and tribes during the
                STYLE IMPORTED TARTANS -- several              late centuries B.C. and the early centuries A.D.
                fragments have been identified.'               were so sporadic and involved that ethnolo-
                                                               gists have has difficulty in establishing the
                'We also learn, however, that the textiles and  original identity or habitat of any of them with
                other material are at the centre of a controversy  certainty. For centuries the position -- particu-
                concerning the IDENTITY of those Jewish de-    larly in the Near and Middle East -- was so
                fenders. One school of thought sees them as    fluid that any one locality might have been oc-
                'middle-class Hellenised anti-Roman refugees   cupied by totally different peoples within the
                from Jerusalem.' Another looks upon them as    space of a few generations.
                having been a 'bunch of fanatical brigands,
                robbers and terrorists who drew their member-  The general final movements of most of this
                ship from the rural poor and did nothing to help  agglomeration of peoples were in a westward
                the real leadership of the Jewish uprising     direction from the vast, interdeterminate Eura-
                against Rome.'                                 sian territory northwards and eastwards of the
                                                               Black Sea, anciently known as Scythia. Israel-
                'Whichever of these opinions one is disposed   ite customs still survive in the Caucasus re-
                to support, the action of the zealots at the time  gions, furnishing sure proof that Israelites
                of the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus    passed that way in their ever-westward trek.
                does not show them in a kindly light, quite

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