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MONTHLY PHASES OF THE MOON in its relation to earth and sun. The division of
                       time into WEEKS and the division of the day into hours, on the other hand, are ARBI-
                       TRARY ones [especially the "week" we observe today]. -- Insight On the Scriptures,
                       Vol.1, p. 389. Article "Calendar."

                       In Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible, p. 111, we read: " early times the weekly sab-
               bath was adjusted to COINCIDE with major festivals, or even with new moons (see Leviticus 23).
               After the exile, the seventh-day sabbath was more strictly [?] observed and BECAME INDE-
               PENDENT of the lunisolar calendar. So the orthodox Jews had problems over the relationship of
               the sabbaths and festivals."

                       Let's, now, read Genesis 1:14 for ourselves --

                       Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day
                       from the night; and let them be for SIGNS and SEASONS, and for DAYS and YEARS."

                       In verse 16 we read:

                       Then God made two great lights: the greater light [sun] to rule the day, and the lesser light
                       [moon] to rule the night. He made the stars also."

                       Now, we should be able to recognize that whatever these "lights" are, they are NATURAL
               PHENOMENA which dictate the rules of order for calculating time. And, notice, it is not a singu-
               lar source of light God made (i.e., the sun) but all collectively -- "let THEM [the sun and the
               moon] be for signs..."

                       It should be quite apparent that nothing in our present seven-day cycle or week can be tied
               to anything in the natural phenomena that God outlines in the above verses -- the sun, moon or
               stars. Moreover, our "week" doesn't even flow with the current Gregorian calendar. January 1st
               (the beginning of our "year") falls on a different "week day" everytime it comes around. The begin-
               ning and end of our seven-day cycle are simply not ANCHORED in nature, and this in itself
               proves that God's true Sabbath day is neither Saturday nor Sunday (except occasionally when the
               Sabbath happens to fall on these days) -- in light of the fact that:

               1/.  The reckoning of time is only by the "lights in the heavens" and

               2/.  the Fourth Commandment clearly specifies that God had a particular day in mind when He
               said "remember to keep the sabbath holy."

                                            The 15th Day of the Second Month...

                       At first glance it seems that the Bible nowhere outlines a clearly spelled out formula for
               constructing a Sabbath calendar. Genesis 1:14 tells us what source we are to turn to for calcula-
               tions, but there doesn't seem to be any explicit instructions on their practical implementation. Notes
               Jonathan Brown, "notching off seven "solar-day" periods which never correspond at the beginning
               or end with heavenly lights does not satisfy Genesis 1:14". But all is not lost. There is a passage in

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